Coffee review

Flavor description of Colombian Ramon Coffee beans introduction to the varieties of Regional treatment in Manor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The flavor description of Colombian Ramon coffee beans the variety of manor production area is mainly introduced the climate of tropical rain forest, the northern part is mainly tropical steppe and dry grassland, the precipitation here is gradually decreasing from south to north. There are still perennial high temperatures in large areas dominated by savanna climate, but not as much as in the south.

Flavor description of Colombian Ramon Coffee beans introduction to the varieties of Regional treatment in Manor

The climate of tropical rain forest is dominant, and the northern part is mainly tropical steppe and dry steppe. The precipitation here is gradually decreasing from south to north. There are still perennial high temperatures in large areas dominated by the savanna climate, but it is not as rainy as in the south. The equator runs across the south, with tropical rain forest climate in the south and west coast of the plain, gradually turning to savanna and dry steppe climate to the north. The mountain area at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters belongs to subtropics, 2000-3000 meters belongs to temperate zone, 3000-4500 meters belongs to alpine grassland, and the alpine areas above 4500 meters are covered with snow all the year round. The current Constitution was revised on the basis of the Constitution of 1886 and was promulgated in 1991. The new constitution expands the scope of democratic participation and strengthens judicial power. The main contents are as follows: the implementation of representative democracy, the separation of legislative, judicial and executive powers; the president is the head of state and government and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, which is directly elected and cannot be re-elected; the establishment of a vice president is resumed; provincial mayors are directly elected; personal security, human rights and freedom of belief, association, labour, thought and education are guaranteed. In November 2004, the Colombian Parliament passed the presidential re-election bill; in October 2005, the Constitutional Court approved the bill.

Many parts of Colombia are between 1200 and 1800 meters above sea level, with annual rainfall of about 2000 millimeters. Sufficient sunshine and rainfall are very suitable for coffee growth. In recent years, however, Jos é Ramon Corazos, who lives in the southern province of Uila, has gradually discovered that he is producing less and less coffee on his plantation, and the most important factor is global climate change. The rainy season is getting longer and longer and the light is getting less and less, posing a serious threat to the growth of coffee. The increase of Rain Water has also prompted a large number of wild fungi to multiply, "robbing" to occupy the growth space of coffee trees. In response to this situation, scientists have developed eight new varieties of coffee based on genetics, and it is hoped that the annual output of coffee in Colombia will reach 15 million bags in the next four years. Colombia is the world's leading producer and exporter of coffee, and coffee is Colombia's third largest export product earning foreign exchange. Colombia produced 8.9 million bags of coffee in 2010 and 7.8 million bags in 2009, both below the annual average of 11 million to 12 million bags. In order to increase production, 80, 000 hectares of coffee varieties have been renewed in Colombia in 2010, with a target of 100000 hectares in 2011. In 2013, Colombia's coffee production surpassed Indonesia and returned to the third place in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam.

It comes from Colombia's natural environment with the most favorable conditions for the growth of coffee. But beyond that, it is inseparable from the hard work of local growers. In Colombia, coffee cultivation has reached 1.07 million hectares, there are about 302000 coffee plantations in the country, and 30 to 40 per cent of the rural population depends directly on coffee production. Although there are many farms in Colombia, they are not large in area. The area of each farm is only about 2 hectares, and more than 80% of the coffee plantations have only about 5000 coffee trees, an average of 3000. Thus it can be seen that agriculture in Colombia belongs to the small-scale farm type. The locals plant tall trees or banana trees around the coffee trees. Build an Arbor for coffee trees at the seedling stage to ensure the cool and humid environment needed for coffee growth. Due to the high humidity, small temperature difference and slow ripening of coffee beans in the coffee forest, which is conducive to the accumulation of caffeine and aromatic substances, the quality of coffee is the best.