Coffee review

Introduction to the regional treatment method of coffee bean flavor description, grinding scale and variety production in the state of Bahia, Brazil

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Introduction to the regional treatment method of coffee bean flavor description, grinding scale and production in Bahia, Brazil. The traditional industries in Bahia include clothing, footwear and brewing. Since the establishment of the petroleum industry in the 1980s, the chemical industry and automobile manufacturing industry have developed one after another, especially the establishment of various industrial parks and the implementation of incentive policies to attract foreign investment, which has attracted a large number of foreign enterprises.

Introduction to the regional treatment method of coffee bean flavor description, grinding scale and variety production in the state of Bahia, Brazil

[industry] the traditional industries in Bahia include clothing, footwear and brewing. Since the establishment of the petroleum industry in the 1980s, the chemical industry and automobile manufacturing industry have developed one after another, especially the establishment of various industrial parks, the implementation of encouraging policies to attract foreign investment in the park, attracting a large number of foreign investment, and the rapid development of industry. at present, a complete industrial system has been formed, including food industry, textile industry, clothing and footwear industry, petrochemical industry and information industry.

Since the 1990s, Bahia has built two large-scale industrial parks, one is the ARATU industrial center with 188 enterprises of various types, and the other is the CAMACARI petrochemical industrial park with 72 industrial enterprises. In addition, in the clothing processing industrial park, there are 32 clothing industry manufacturers, 23 shoe factories and 9 comprehensive factories, with a total investment of 226 million reais and an annual production of 60 million pairs of shoes.

(1) Oil, natural gas and chemical industries Petrobras invested US $1.3 billion to build the country's largest oil refinery in Lanturpho Artus, Bazhou. The largest petrochemical plant in South America is located in the state's Kemasari Industrial Park, which accounts for 35% of Brazil's petrochemical output.

Since the 1990s, Bahia has built two large-scale industrial parks, one is the ARATU industrial center with 188 enterprises of various types, and the other is the CAMACARI petrochemical industrial park with 72 industrial enterprises. In addition, in the garment processing industrial park, 32 garment industry manufacturers, 23 shoe factories and 9 comprehensive factories have been built, with a total investment of 226 million reais and an annual production of 60 million pairs of shoes: Bahia is located in the north of Alago, Selgipeh, Pernambuco and Pioi, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, Goas and Tocantins in the west, and Minas Gerais and Esprito in the south.

The area has a tropical dry and wet season climate and long-term drought in the state. geographically, it is clearly divided into three parts: the coastal forest of the Atlantic, the Bay of Bahia and the inland plateau of Bahia. The major cities are: El Salvador, Ferradi Santa Ana, Victoria, Itabuna, Illius, Ruazelu and so on. The larger rivers are San Francisco, Paragasu, Zetinionia, Idapiguru, Capivali, and Contas.