Coffee review

What does Kenya SL28 coffee bean mean?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What does Kenya SL28 Coffee beans mean? Kenya's coffee producing areas are mainly concentrated in the plateau areas represented by Mount Mt.Kenya. Tropical climate, acid red volcanic soil provides a natural and suitable growth environment for coffee. It is the most famous of the seven major producing areas, including Nieri, Sika, Chiambu, Geliniya, Ruilu, Mulanga and the western side of Mount Kenya.

What does Kenya SL28 coffee bean mean?

The coffee producing areas in Kenya are mainly concentrated in the plateau areas represented by Mount Mt.Kenya. Tropical climate, acid red volcanic soil provides a natural and suitable growth environment for coffee. The seven major producing areas are the most famous, including Nieri, Sika, Chianbu, Geliniya, Ruiru, Mulanga and the western side of Mount Kenya, with the main producing areas such as Nyeri and Ruiru in the middle.

Kenya is a well-known producer based on the size of coffee beans. It is usually divided into nine grades, according to the bean type, there are PB (round beans, accounting for about 10% of the total output), in addition, there are E (elephant beans), AA, AB, C, T, TT, MH, ML according to size. The best coffee grade is bean-shaped berry coffee PB, followed by AA++, AA+, AA, AB and so on.

Support the reproduction of wild coffee varieties and breed a variety of coffee trees. A bourbon line screened and cultivated by French and British missionaries and researchers in Kenya at the beginning of the 20th century. Over the past hundred years, it has adapted to the high concentration of phosphate soil in Kenya, giving birth to the special sour and fragrant spirit of Kenyan beans, which is different from bourbon beans in Central and South America. This Kenyan native species was created by Scott Laboratories in 1930, known as SL for short. Agronomists wanted to find a kind of bourbon with high yield and resistance to diseases and insect pests, and obtained SL28 through experiments. SL28 is a genetic variant with a mixed pedigree of French missionaries, mochas and Yementibica. The original goal of breeding SL28 was to mass-produce coffee beans with high quality and resistance to diseases and insect pests. Although the output of SL28 was not as large as expected, the copper leaf color and broad bean-shaped beans have great sweetness, balance and complex flavor, as well as remarkable citrus and black plum characteristics. This important variety leads us to the unique Kenyan style: strong acidity, rich taste and beautiful balance. Kenya AA is one of them.

AA is a class name for the currency of raw coffee beans. The grade of raw coffee beans is generally AA,A,B,C, which mainly refers to the size of coffee beans. AA refers to coffee beans with larger particles, and coffee beans with particles of more than 17 mesh (17 mesh = 6.75MM).

SL28 is a delicious variety, suitable for growing in mid-and high-altitude areas where leaf rust is not serious. It can produce 1.8 tons of raw beans per hectare and drink the charming sour plum flavor to reflect the national treasure of Kenya.