Coffee review

Colombia hopes to describe the flavor of manor coffee beans, taste treatment, regional varieties.

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, Colombia wants the flavor of manor coffee beans to describe the taste of French varieties. At that time, the opportunity that the manor wanted to see was Geisha (also known as a geisha). After the Emerald Manor of Panama became famous because of the rediscovery of rose summer in the garden, coffee farms around the world have been studying the possibility of planting rose summer, but there are no roses in Colombia.

Colombia Hope Manor Coffee Bean Flavor Description Taste Treatment Method Region Variety

The opportunity that Hope Manor saw at that time was Geisha. Panama Emerald Manor became famous because it rediscovered rose summer in the garden. After becoming the world's top manor, coffee farms all over the world were studying the possibility of planting rose summer, but Colombia did not have rose summer varieties. Hope Manor owner Rigoberto Herrera sent chief botanist Hernando Tapasco to Panama to learn from them. Next door to Emerald Manor in Boquet, he rented La Cardeida Farm. Tapasco himself stayed in Boquet for a year to thoroughly study rose summer planting and production technology.

In December 2006, Hope Manor bought Cerro Azul in Colombia's Cauca Valley, a geographical environment very close to the terroir and the Borquette, where warm air rising from the Cauca Valley met cold air from the Pacific Ocean. The estate has 20 hectares of cultivated land located between 1700 and 1950 meters above sea level, originally planted with Caturra. In September 2007, 35,000 summer rose trees were planted. Unexpectedly, two months later, some of the saplings died, Rigoberto's brother wanted to give up, thinking that the wind was too cold to plant, and should be changed to cattle pasture. Rigoberto refused to concede defeat, insisted on replanting, and planted windbreaks on top so that strong winds would not destroy coffee bushes.

This batch of roses survived, and in the 2012 harvest season, won the second place in the annual World Coffee Competition of the American Fine Coffee Association, and the other two estates of Hope Manor took a total of three places in the top ten: second, third and seventh, setting an incredible triple crown.

Hope Manor was different from other manors. It had a PhD botanist, three professional cup surveyors, and 100 full-time employees. Currently, it managed the manors under its jurisdiction. The estate is owned by the Herrera brothers. In fact, the Herrera brothers 'grandfather ran a coffee farm in Trujillo, Colombia. Later, the brothers gradually declined and left Colombia. But they didn't give up on their dream of running a coffee plantation back home.