Coffee review

Description of Flavor of Cadura Coffee beans produced by Grinding scale in Honduras

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The Grinding scale of Cadura Coffee beans in Honduras Flavor description the high-quality coffee in Honduras uses a washing method to treat the coffee beans, usually after soaking, the defective fruit will surface when soaking, and then it can flow away and discard it first. Then put the good fruit into the fruit peeling machine and peel off the peel with the rotating force of the machine. Peeled fruit

Description of Flavor of Cadura Coffee beans produced by Grinding scale in Honduras

High-quality coffee in Honduras uses water washing to deal with coffee beans, usually after soaking, when the defective fruit will surface, it can be discarded first. Then put the good fruit into the fruit peeling machine and peel off the peel with the rotating force of the machine. Peeled fruits are screened by machines to select fruits of high quality. Usually the bigger the fruit, the better the maturity. Coffee in Honduras is dried in the sun, so there is always a hint of fruit in the taste.

In the coffee garden, because the planting area belongs to the mountain area, people pick coffee beans by hand, and then process them carefully in order to produce better quality coffee beans. Honduras collects 3 million bags of coffee every year and provides you with multi-quality coffee. Now it has become one of the top ten coffee exporters in the world.

This batch of Holy Rose processing Plant (Beneficio Santa Rosa), from the Holy Rose place in the western province of Columbine, is a small cooperative of the local community, established in 2005 and supported by a non-profit organization, TechnoServe, to provide production technology and poverty eradication. The cooperative established a Mejoramiento Agra í cola Sostenible (MAS) assistance program to support 6000 families of small coffee farmers and provide technical assistance with the aim of producing high quality coffee beans. Coffee is planted from 1500 to 2000 meters above sea level. The main varieties of coffee are Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon and Pacas and Typica. Flavor reference: sweet, cream, brown sugar, melon sweet, mint, caramel milk. The acidity of the fruit is not obvious, it is layered and has a strong sweet taste of caramel. The aroma is harmonious, the flavor is rich, the flavor is sweet, warm and smooth rainforest alliance RFA (Rainforest Alliance) certification

Although there are no distinct characteristics of Honduran coffee, its biggest feature is its rich and balanced taste as a whole. In detail, it has a medium or shallow acidity, which is obvious but not strong. Sometimes with a slight floral or fruity aroma (generally speaking, different producing areas, different elevations of beans have different flavor performance) slightly bitter and obvious sweet. The overall taste of Honduras is balanced, sour and bitter are not strong, and the balance between the two is better. Therefore, the extremely balanced nature of Honduran coffee makes it widely used. It can not only be used to mix coffee, but also can be brewed as a single product. Honduran coffee can be mixed with Italian concentrate, which will show a commendable flavor.