Coffee review

Where does the Kenyan coffee AA come from? introduction to the flavor description of the region and the characteristics of the manor.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Where does the Kenyan coffee AA come from? the taste of the local flavor description introduces that the Kenyan government takes the coffee industry very seriously, where it is illegal to cut down or destroy coffee trees. Kenyan coffee buyers are world-class high-quality coffee buyers, and no other country can grow, produce and sell coffee on a continuous basis like Kenya. All the coffee beans are first made by Kenny.

Where does the Kenyan coffee AA come from? introduction to the flavor description of the region and the characteristics of the manor.

The Kenyan government takes the coffee industry very seriously, where it is illegal to cut down or destroy coffee trees. Kenyan coffee buyers are world-class high-quality coffee buyers, and no other country can grow, produce and sell coffee on a continuous basis like Kenya. All coffee beans are first acquired by the Kenya Coffee Commission (CoffeeBoardofKenya, CBK), where they are identified, graded, and then sold at weekly auctions, where they are no longer graded. The Kenya Coffee Commission only acts as an agent to collect coffee samples and distribute them to buyers.

Altitude, latitude, geology: the equator runs through Kenya, and the border is just within ten degrees of north and south latitude. Belonging to tropical producing areas, there are two rainy seasons every year, with two harvests, with 60% concentrated from October to December and another 40% from June to August. Coffee is mainly grown in volcanic land around 1600-2100 meters above sea level from the capital Narobi to the mountains of Kenya. This height is suitable for the development of coffee bean flavor, because the mountain temperature is lower, the growth is slow, the aroma components of coffee beans have been fully developed, the sour taste is more obvious, and the texture is harder. This fertile, moon-shaped coffee area is the main producing area of Kenyan boutique beans.

Kenyan coffee varieties

Bourbon Bourbon was first brought to Kenya for planting. In the 1950s, the then agricultural research institution Scott Laboratory selected two excellent hybrids, SL-28 and SL-34, through unremitting efforts, subverting the long-standing prejudice of artificial breeding without excellent natural varieties. SL-28 and SL-34 help Kenyan coffee to form its own unique flavor characteristics and establish a perfect reputation in the coffee industry.

Aromatic, full-bodied, with fruit flavor, taste rich and perfect. Kenyan coffee has a wonderful fruit flavor, tastes like BlackBerry and grapefruit, and is a favorite of many coffee gluttons. This coffee has an excellent medium purity, crisp and refreshing taste. It has a fresh flavor and is most suitable for drinking iced coffee in summer. When tasting this coffee, if it is paired with sour fruits such as grapefruit, it will certainly give me the best coffee experience. "not much like coffee, but a bit like fruit tea" is the common feeling of many people about this kind of shallow roasted Kenyan coffee.