Coffee review

Description of Flavor of Coffee beans in Yunwu Manor in El Salvador

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, The flavor of coffee beans in El Salvador's Yunwu Manor describes the grinding scale. El Salvador's coffee accounts for 40% of the country's exports, and it is usually picked in November, December and January-March of the following year. The export of raw beans lasts almost all year round. Coffee is produced in 7 of the country's 14 provinces, including chalatenango and santa ana in the northwestern region.

Description of Flavor of Coffee beans in Yunwu Manor in El Salvador

El Salvador's coffee accounts for 40% of the country's exports, and it is usually picked in November, December and January-March of the following year. The export of raw beans lasts almost all year round. Coffee is produced in seven of the country's 14 provinces, with the largest number in the northwestern provinces of chalatenango and santa ana. El Salvador produces 100% Arabica coffee, 68% of which is bourbon, which usually grows at an altitude of 1062 Mel 1972 meters. On the other hand, El Salvador has a unique mountain, river and plateau, which provides a suitable environment for the growth of bourbon coffee. At the same time, El Salvador's suitable temperature, abundant precipitation and fertile soil are also indispensable natural conditions for breeding high-quality coffee beans. Like other typical island beans, Salvadoran coffee is balanced, soft and good in texture.

Coffee variety

The civil war caused chaos and affected economic development, but ironically allowed the ancient coffee to be preserved, and the situation was so chaotic that coffee producers in El Salvador failed to catch up with the renewal of coffee varieties in Central and South America.

El Salvador produces 100% Arabica coffee, of which 68% is Bourbon, Coffea arabica var. Bourbon), 29% Pacas, other varieties including Pacamara,Caturra, etc.

The Pacas variety, first discovered in El Salvador in 1949, is a natural hybrid between bourbon and Catura.

The variety Pacamara, which was artificially bred by pacas and maragogipe (or maragogype), was first bred in 1958 (1954). Pacamara species is a rare artificial breeding of excellent varieties, blue is better than blue, perfectly inheriting the advantages of the mother plant, both the excellent taste of pacas species, raw bean granules also inherited the large size of malagogipe. The Pacamara species is thought to be the result of the pursuit of large Arabica species.