Coffee review

Taste of Cadura Coffee beans in Honduras introduction to the characteristics of Variety Manor in the region of Grinding scale

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This batch of Saint Rose processing Plant (Beneficio Santa Rosa), from the Holy Rose in the western province of Cobon, is a small cooperative of the local community, established in 2005 with the support of a not-for-profit organization, TechnoServe, to provide production technology and eradicate poverty. This cooperative

Taste of Cadura Coffee beans in Honduras introduction to the characteristics of Variety Manor in the region of Grinding scale

This batch of Holy Rose processing Plant (Beneficio Santa Rosa), from the Holy Rose place in the western province of Columbine, is a small cooperative of the local community, established in 2005 and supported by a non-profit organization, TechnoServe, to provide production technology and poverty eradication. The cooperative established a Mejoramiento Agra í cola Sostenible (MAS) assistance program to support 6000 families of small coffee farmers and provide technical assistance with the aim of producing high quality coffee beans. Coffee is planted from 1500 to 2000 meters above sea level. The main varieties of coffee are Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon and Pacas and Typica. Flavor reference: sweet, cream, brown sugar, melon sweet, mint, caramel milk. The acidity of the fruit is not obvious, it is layered and has a strong sweet taste of caramel. The aroma is harmonious, the flavor is rich, the flavor is sweet, warm and smooth rainforest alliance RFA (Rainforest Alliance) certification

Honduras is a mountainous country in Central and North America, with a population of more than 8.3 million and an area of about 112000 square kilometers. Located in the north of Central America. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south, Nicaragua and El Salvador to the east and south, and Guatemala to the west. More than 3/4 of the territory are mountains and plateaus. Mountains extend from west to east, inland for lava plateaus, multi-mountain valleys, coastal plains. Tropical climate, coastal plain belongs to tropical rain forest climate

Two kinds of very good quality coffee produced in Honduras, one is "Highland Coffee", which grows at an altitude of 1000 to 1500 meters, and the other is "Special Highland Coffee", which represents the highest level of Honduras, which grows at an altitude of 1500 to 2000 meters. Most of them are exported to the United States and Germany.

The granules of coffee beans in Honduras are large in shape, uniform in size and glossy in color. In order to facilitate harvesting, farmers will prune the coffee trees to no more than 150 centimeters, because if they grow too high, they have to set up ladders to pick, which is not only time-consuming, but also may damage the trees by bending branches. As the ripening period of each fruit of coffee beans is different, in order to maintain the good quality of coffee beans, it is necessary to pick them manually, and then select the ripe red fruits. For coffee fruits of the same branch, it often takes several weeks to pick them all.