Coffee review

Panamanian Coffee Market Analysis Flavor description Taste characteristics introduction to Grinding Calibration method

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Panamanian coffee market analysis flavor description taste characteristics grinding scale treatment method Panama has been among the best coffee producers in the world since three years ago, which has surprised countries that have been in the vanguard of developer production for many years. Panamanian coffee is mainly produced in the west near the Costa Rican border, producing the best washed coffee. Compared with the middle and low elevations

Panamanian Coffee Market Analysis Flavor description Taste characteristics introduction to Grinding Calibration method

Panama has been among the world's best coffee producers since three years ago, surprising countries that have been in the vanguard of developer production for many years. Panamanian coffee is mainly produced in the west near the Costa Rican border, producing the best washed coffee. Compared with coffee beans grown at low and middle elevations, the low temperature and stable climate at high elevations in Panama are more beneficial to the growth of coffee beans. The coffee beans grown here grow slowly, have the strongest and special flavor, and the hardness of the coffee is the hardest.

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Coffee beans at high altitude have the most complete taste, high mellowness and diversified flavor, such as chocolate, caramel, flower and so on. The entrance is warm and moist with moderate sour and bitterness. The Panamanian extremely high growth bean is one of the most outstanding varieties.

The BOQUETE region of Panama, located in the province of CHIRIQUI on the border with Costa Rica, is the home of Panama's famous GEISHA coffee and is famous for producing high-quality Arabica coffee. The Tedman & McIntyre (TEDMAN&MACINTYRE ESTATE) estate, located in the mountain area of Poggett 4000 feet above sea level, comes from the two earliest coffee families in Panama, the Tedman family and the McIntyre family. In 1925, Canadian fruit merchant Alexander McIntyre (ALEXANDER DUNCAN MACINTYRE), infected by his brother Joseph, came to Poggett to settle down, married ANGELA ROSAS in the same year, bought an estate named "LA CAROLINA" and began to grow coffee. Their descendants still own the estate and become one of the most famous coffee farms in the area.

Panamanian coffee has high traceability of origin. Generally speaking, the origin of coffee in Panama can be traced to a single manor or even to a field on the manor.

Flavor characteristics

The better coffee in Panama has citrus and floral aromas, bright taste, elegant and complex flavor.

Population: 3406000

2013 production: 6000 tons

The distinction between Panamanian growing areas mainly depends on the sales situation of coffee, but mostly on geographical distribution. In the past, coffee was widely spread, and the following areas are actually one area, but these areas are closely linked.