Coffee review

Mantenin and Sumatra coffee bean price roasting suggestion brand flavor description introduction

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Mandheling and Sumatra Coffee Bean Price Baking suggestion Brand Flavor description the well-known Mantenin is produced around Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. The finished product has a unique fragrance of herbs and trees. Gold Mantenin, the Japanese adopted more stringent quality control more than a decade ago. After picking beans manually for four times, they eliminated defective beans and produced dark green color and uniform appearance of beans.

Mantenin and Sumatra coffee bean price roasting suggestion brand flavor description introduction

Known as Mantenin mandheling, it is produced around Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. The finished product has a unique fragrance of herbs and trees.

Gold Mantenin, the Japanese adopted more stringent quality control more than a decade ago. After picking beans manually for four times, they eliminated defective beans and produced gold mantenin with dark green color and equal appearance of beans, creating another wave of market demand. Even Europe and the United States are crazy about it.

The aged Agedmandheling is as sweet as honey. The successful old bean has worn away Manning's inelegant sour taste. The sour ingredients are ripe and converted to sugar, making the coffee more round and sweeter to drink. Manning is like a coffee zombie in the old age of failure, and the taste is difficult to taste.

Gold manning is very familiar to many of our friends. But the naming of Golden Manning may not be what many friends think.

First of all, golden manning does not refer to the color of golden yellow, but to large-size coffee beans, that is, coffee beans with more than 19 mesh, which is called golden manning. But as many suppliers find that there is no direct relationship between large size and taste, fewer and fewer people order gold manning.

As for why Manning's old beans are golden, it is because Medan, the coffee transfer station, is very wet (more than 80% of the tide). If you have stored coffee for more than 6 months, the reason why the coffee will return to moisture.

Grading of Sumatran coffee beans

We often hear 'Super Manning', while at the same time, Manning's coffee raw beans are of poor quality. In fact, coffee in Sumatra is graded more systematically.

The processing process and Sumatran characteristics. I describe these treatments in such detail because it is not clear how the soil and atmosphere and the unusual treatment techniques and the three-stage drying each affect the formation of the characteristics of Lindong and Manning coffee. Only one thing is certain. These treatments occasionally produce excellent coffee and are extremely unstable. Only through the merciless selection in the Medan port exporter's warehouse can the deep texture and unique and low-key rich taste of Lintong Lindong and Mandheling Mantenin emerge from the interference of other smells.