Coffee review

What are the coffee bean farms in Brazil and what cooperative importers are there in China?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What are the coffee bean farms in Brazil? what are the cooperative importers in China? ancient bourbon coffee is grown on some estates in the Serrado district of Minas Greais state in southeastern Brazil. These estates, such as Capin Branco and Vista Allegre, are also on the market for old bourbon coffee.

What are the coffee bean farms in Brazil and what cooperative importers are there in China?

The old bourbon coffee is grown on some estates in the Serrado district of Minas Greais state in southeastern Brazil. Old varieties of bourbon coffee grown on these estates, such as Capin Branco and Vista Allegre, are also sold on the market. Although they come from the same area, these coffees have their own characteristics. Capingblanco coffee is smoother than Vesta Allegre coffee, while Vesta Allegre coffee is strong and black, both of which have lower acidity. However, like all Brazilian coffee, they are most suitable for drinking when they are fresh and tender

The proportion of Brazilian coffee production in export earnings has plummeted. In the past 30 years, with the rise and development of Brazilian modern industry, especially steel, shipbuilding, automobile, aircraft manufacturing and other industries, the status of coffee in the national economy has declined year by year, but it is still one of the pillars of Brazil's economy. And Brazil is still the world's largest coffee producer and exporter.

Brazil makes full use of the tropical geographical environment and attaches importance to the production and sale of coffee, so that the output, export volume and per capita consumption of coffee have been ranked first in the world for many years, and have been known as the "kingdom of coffee". But the hometown of coffee is not in Brazil, but in the Ethiopian province of Cafa in Africa.

Coffee was introduced into Brazil after the 18th century. In 1727, coffee was introduced into Port Belem, Brazil from Guyana. Since then, coffee has settled in Brazil, mainly in the southeast coastal areas of Brazil. Namely, Sao Paulo, Parana, San Esprito, Minas Gerais and other four states. From the end of the 18th century to the 1920s, coffee production was at its peak in Brazil, which once accounted for 75% of the world's total coffee production. Over a long period of time, coffee exports accounted for 2. 3% of Brazil's total export revenue, making Brazil a well-deserved "coffee kingdom". The economic crisis that broke out in 1929 sharply reduced the world consumption of coffee, dealing a heavy blow to Brazil's coffee economy.