Coffee review

Espresso roasted coffee beans by grinding several degrees of powder at Starbucks

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Espresso roasted by grinding several degrees of powder at Starbucks [Body]: the taste of the tongue after drinking coffee. The change of alcohol content can be divided into light to light as water to light.

Espresso roasted coffee beans by grinding several degrees of powder at Starbucks

Mellow [Body]: the taste of the tongue after drinking coffee. The change of mellowness can be divided into light to light, medium, high, fat, and even some Indonesian coffee is as thick as syrup.

Odor [Aroma]: the smell and aroma emitted after the coffee has been prepared. The words used to describe smell include caramel, carbon roast, chocolate, fruit, grass, malt, and so on.

Bitterness [Bitter]: bitterness is a basic sense of taste, and the sensory area is distributed in the base of the tongue. The bitterness of deep baking is deliberately created, but the common cause of bitterness is too much coffee powder and too little water.

Light [Bland]: coffee grown in lowlands, usually quite light and tasteless. Coffee with insufficient coffee powder and too much water will have the same light effect.

Salty [Briny]: after brewing, if the coffee is overheated, it will produce a salty taste.

The aroma of soil [Earthy]: commonly used to describe spicy and earthy Indonesian coffee, not the smell of dirt on coffee beans.

Uniqueness [Exotic]: describes coffee with its unique aroma and special flavor, such as flowers, fruits, and spices. Coffee from East Africa and Indonesia usually has this property.