Coffee review

Colombian coffee taste hand-brewing method step apparatus

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Colombian coffee taste hand-brewed method instrument Colombia's suitable climate provides a real sense of natural pasture for coffee. Coffee trees in Colombia are mainly cultivated in the Andes, on steep slopes about 1300 meters above sea level, where the annual temperature is about 18 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall is 2000 to 3000 mm, latitude 1-11 15 north, longitude 72-78 west

Colombian coffee taste hand-brewing method step apparatus

The suitable climate in Colombia provides a real "natural pasture" for coffee. A special combination of factors, latitude, altitude, soil, plant origin of species and varieties of coffee in Colombia's coffee growing areas, rain patterns produced by the climate and tropical convergence of the coffee growing areas.

No matter in terms of yield or texture, Colombian coffee is first produced by Medellin, which is characterized by full granules, rich nutrition, moderate acidity, good balance, rich aroma and soft taste. In addition to Medellin, the capitals of two neighboring provinces in the south, Armenia and Manizales, are also famous coffee producers, which formerly belonged to Medellin's province of Andiquio, which had a Caldas football team that played in the last Toyota Cup. These three places have formed the world-famous "coffee zone".

Colombian coffee has a silky taste. Colombian coffee is equated with high quality and good taste. It is sweet in acid, low in bitterness, rich in nutrition, with a unique sour and mellow taste, and the sour, bitter and sweet flavors of Colombian super coffee match well. Unique fragrance, after drinking, the aroma fills the whole mouth. Exhale the aroma from the mouth again from the nose, the smell is very full. Perhaps you will find it too overbearing, because it will occupy the taste buds, mind and even soul as quickly as possible. In people's lives,