Coffee review

Rose Summer Coffee Bean Red Label Blue Label Flavor Description Taste

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Rosedale Coffee Bean Red Label Blue Label Flavor Description Taste Rosedale has a full sweet, extremely clean taste, rich aroma spread from berry, citrus to mango, papaya and peach flavor. A very pronounced bergamot (bergamot)-like finish is also typical of its cup testing properties. So far, rose summer, has been the champion of coffee varieties Panama Fei

Rosa coffee beans are marked with red and blue to distinguish flavor description and taste.

Rose is full of sweetness and cleanliness on the palate, with rich aromas ranging from berry and citrus to mango, papaya and peach. A very obvious lemon (bergamot) general aftertaste is also a typical cup test attribute. So far, Rose Summer has been the champion of coffee varieties.

Panamanian Emerald Manor Rose Summer Coffee beans

Panama Geisha (Hacienda La Esmeralda)

[country]: Panama

[producing area]: Silla Del Pando, Volcan

[treatment]: wash W2

[grade]: L21

[altitude]: 1250-1650m

[variety]: Geisha

[flavor description]: litchi, fresh cashew nuts, green tea, geisha flowers, lemon

[Origin]: Panama

[producing area]: located on the hillside of Mount Baru, the highest peak in western Panama

[manor]: Esmeralda (Jade Manor) / Hacienda La Esmeralda

[grade]: SHB

[growth altitude]: 1450m

[treatment]: fine washing treatment

[special certification]: green rainforest certification

[baking degree]: shallow baking city-

[flavor description]: oolong tea, peach, honey, fresh and comfortable, bright and balanced, strong hierarchical sense of aroma, the whole aroma and caramel sweetness wrapped together, the entrance of the tongue feel sour is obvious, just in the mouth is mild and round, fruit sweet and sweet strong, like swallowing a mouthful of fresh fruit tea, sweet and fragrant. The lower the temperature, the finer the acidity. Charm is also quite long-lasting, let people feel good satisfaction!