Coffee review

A brief introduction to the grinding scale production area of Ethiopian coffee beans by describing the characteristics of taste and flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Brief introduction of Ethiopian coffee bean characteristics, taste and flavor description method grinding scale production area Coffee is Ethiopia's most important export cash crop and the main source of Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Ethiopia's coffee exports account for about 3% of the world market, making it the eighth largest coffee exporter in the world. Coffee exports increased steadily from 58000 tons in 1990 to 1995-1996.

Ethiopian coffee beans characteristics taste flavor description processing method grinding scale production area introduction

Coffee is Ethiopia's most important export cash crop and the main source of foreign exchange earnings. Ethiopia's coffee exports account for about 3% of the world market share, making it the eighth largest coffee exporter in the world. Coffee exports increased steadily from 58,000 tons in 1990-1991 to 110,000 tons in 1995 - 1996 and remained at that level for the next few years. Export volume exceeded 110,000 tons in 2001 - 2002 and reached 127,000 tons in 2002 - 2003. The decade-long decline in coffee prices on the international market has seriously affected Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Before coffee prices dropped dramatically

Ethiopia's beans are easy to identify, most of the beans are small and thin pointed long beans, so-called 'longberry', and often mixed with small oval short beans, so-called' shortberry', which look different in size and shape. Most commercial Grade4 or Grade5 beans are mixed with hundreds of different seeds from different producing areas, so the phenomenon of uneven phase is the most obvious, and it is not easy to bake evenly.

Washed coffee accounts for 35 per cent of exports. Good quality washed coffee is processed from freshly picked fully ripe fruit, carefully picked and closely monitored by professionals. After picking clean coffee beans on the day of picking to pulp, then fermentation, washing, drying, peeling. After processing, the humidity of coffee beans is maintained at about 12%.

Ethiopia, coffee classification and quality control system is divided into producer, regional and national three levels. All coffees are inspected by local inspection agencies before they leave the country of origin, and then re-inspected at coffee inspection and grading centres in Addis and Diredova to determine their quality grade. Grading coffee before auction and sale is important for all groups involved in production, acquisition, export and consumption. Before export, coffee must also be sent to a national quality control agency for inspection to confirm that origin, color, etc. meet export standards to ensure the reputation of Ethiopian coffee