Coffee review

A brief introduction to the price and flavor description of BOU coffee beans in Spain

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, NADA TRIFASICO: 1/2 coffee, 1/4 milk and 1/4 wine Cafe solo: the most common, small cup, full of coffee in Spain you will never be blamed for drinking coffee. Spaniards deeply understand the effect and impact of coffee on life. They taste it through coffee.

Cappuccino: most of the cafe made of large porcelain cups is marked with NADA

TRIFASICO: 1/2 coffee, 1/4 milk and 1/4 wine

Cafe solo: the most common, small cup, full of coffee

In Spain, you will never be blamed for drinking coffee. Spaniards deeply understand the role and impact of coffee on life. It is through coffee that they taste the joy of life. If you come to Spain, you will feel that life has turned a new page, you have too much to see, many world cultural heritages such as the Holy Family Church and Quill Park are waiting for you, but anyway, the first thing to do in the morning is a cup of coffee.

1. Coffee é solo espresso: equivalent to Italian Espresso, Spaniards always order and drink it first.

It has a simple taste and affordable price. As the beginning of a good day, this is a warm-up hot drink that can cheer you up the most.

2. Coffee é Cortado low Milk Coffee: a little milk is added to the espresso, which reduces the sour taste of the coffee when it is imported. It is widely praised by Spanish office workers.

3. Coffee é Bomb ó n Caramel Coffee: for sweet lovers, the coffee is mixed with the sweetness of condensed milk and the sweetness of caramel, that is the best time.

4. Coffee é con Leche Milk Coffee: this is the most common drink in a coffee shop or small bar in Spain. Spaniards often say that if you want to know whether a bar is good or not, just ask how much milk it consumes every day.