Coffee review

Flavor description of Alpine longan Coffee beans in Yunnan Province

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It was found that both City and Full-City had strong caramel aroma and similar almond aroma. It is distributed from grinding to cooking, and then continues to the entrance to the finish. At the same time, in the degree of City, we can feel the softer sour taste and faint sweetness. All in all, these Bourbons let us see the bright future of our country in the field of coffee cultivation.

It was found that both City and Full-City had strong caramel aroma and similar almond aroma. It is distributed from grinding to cooking, and then continues to the entrance to the finish. At the same time, in the degree of City, we can feel the softer sour taste and faint sweetness. All in all, these Bourbons let us see the bright prospect of our country in the field of coffee cultivation, and hope to drink more and more Made in China beans in the near future.

Small-grain coffee is suitable for growing in the mountains at an altitude of 800 to 1800 meters. If the altitude is too high, it will taste sour, and if it is too low, it will taste bitter. Small grains of coffee are mostly planted in dry and hot valleys about 1100 meters above sea level, so they are moderately sour, rich and mellow. There is a unique environment suitable for the growth of small seed coffee in many areas of Yunnan, and the quality of small seed coffee is excellent.

The planting areas are mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Nujiang and other states.

The average temperature of Lujiangba in Baoshan is 21.5℃, and the highest is 40.4 ℃, which is basically frost-free all the year round. It is recognized as the best producing area of small-grain coffee. The small-grain coffee cultivated here is famous at home and abroad for its strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, well-proportioned small noodles, mellow and fruity.

In recent years, the planting area of small-grain coffee in other producing areas of Yunnan has been expanding, the quality has also made great progress, and the popularity of small-grain coffee has been improved both at home and abroad.

After inspecting the coffee planting and primary processing base in Yunnan, the tasting experts of the International Coffee Organization rated Yunnan coffee as the kind of small seed coffee processed by Colombian wet processing, which is the highest quality coffee in the world.

With the in-depth development of Yunnan coffee industry, the rising demand of domestic coffee market and the efforts of the government and enterprises, Yunnan coffee will certainly usher in a new period of development.

Is a more popular coffee, produced in Central America, Jamaica, the West Indies, with mellow, bitter slightly sweet, soft and smooth characteristics, and slightly sour, can make the taste more sensitive, taste its unique taste, is the best of coffee. Alishan Mazu Coffee belongs to alpine coffee and is a high-quality boutique coffee in Taiwan. It ranks first in Asia. Coffee trees are mainly planted in southern Taiwan and industrial areas such as Alishan in Chiayi County, Taiwan. Because of its high altitude, it is not only suitable for growing tea, but also more suitable for growing coffee. It belongs to the boutique coffee in coffee.

"first of all, it was a feeling of numbness at the moment of being shocked by happiness, and it took three seconds to feel a rich, rich and balanced taste, and a little pleasant acid gushed from the bottom of the tongue.

Taste. The reddish-brown Krima crema flowed smoothly, starting with a full cup and more than a centimeter when it stabilized. Remove the cup and continue to flow out of the coffee, foam and color of the liquid can also flow out for a long time-extremely rich connotations. "