Coffee review

Panamanian boutique Coffee Manor Hartman Manor Rose Summer Coffee Bean cultivation Climate altitude brief introduction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hartman's story, like his coffee, is legendary. Hartman Manor is located in Chilidge, Santa Clara. The founder's name is Ellis Strauss Hartman. He was born on June 20, 1891 in the Moravilla region of Austria and Hungary in what is now the Czech Republic, and died on May 25, 1970 at the age of 78. Today's Hartman Manor is a

Hartman's story, like his coffee, is legendary. Hartman Manor is located in Chilidge, Santa Clara. The founder's name is Eloise Strauss Hartman. He was born on June 20, 1891 in the Moravilla region of Austria and Hungary in what is now the Czech Republic, and died on May 25, 1970 at the age of 78. Today's Hartman Manor is a family business founded by Latip Hartman (son of Eloise) in 1940. In 1966 Latip married Dinola Sandy of Costa Rica. They have five sons, Latipa Jr., Alan, Alexander, Alice and Kelly. Each family member is responsible for the growth management, harvesting and handling of the coffee and the visit to the manor. A family estate that has grown coffee for more than 100 years is a legend in itself.

Another key point of honey processing is the coffee shop (GreenHouseforHoneyCoffee). Hartmann uses single high-bed scaffolding and half-covered scaffolding to get good access and prevent mildew. These are the key points for honey processing! Such a strict degree has also led NinetyPlus to cooperate with it in research, especially NinetyPlus micro-batch (microlot). In the end, Hartmann's rarest product is the fascinating Rosa Variety (Geisha). In addition to heart-picking and meticulous handling, because of the scarcity of production and the difficulty of obtaining it, Hartman's prostitutes have already become the products of Los Angeles on the market! Unless there is a close partnership, such as NOVO ROASTER, which opened a new store in Denver (owned by the father of 90 owners), it is even more difficult to get Hartman's prostitute. Hartman's master Ratibor has the common characteristics of many micro bakers-affectionate, curious, committed to the pursuit of quality, and determined to be a real student! With the concept of sustainable farming, the whole village strives to maintain their beautiful land and long history.

Panama Panama

Manor: Lerlda Estate Lot10, lot 10 of Lilida

Treatment method: White honey treated Honey

Variety: Kaduai Catuai

Score and cup test CuppingScore:87

Lime,floral coconut,clean,sparkling,mediumbody

Lime, coconut flowers, clean, lively acid, medium alcohol thickness

Hartman's story, like his coffee, is legendary. Hartman Manor is located in Chilidge, Santa Clara. The founder's name is Eloise Strauss Hartman. He was born on June 20, 1891 in the Moravilla region of Austria and Hungary in what is now the Czech Republic, and died on May 25, 1970 at the age of 78. Today's Hartman Manor is a family business founded by Latip Hartman (son of Eloise) in 1940. In 1966 Latip married Dinola Sandy of Costa Rica. They have five sons, Latipa Jr., Alan, Alexander, Alice and Kelly. Each family member is responsible for the growth management, harvesting and handling of the coffee and the visit to the manor. A family estate that has grown coffee for more than 100 years is a legend in itself.

(flower fragrance, sweet orange, pineapple, pineapple, vanilla, lively fragrance) famous producing areas of Panama, beans for many contestants