Coffee review

The smell of grass in Costa Rica San Roman fine coffee bean varieties planting market price profile

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee beans related industries, Costa Ricans say, coffee has changed the country, can enjoy a rich environment, coffee indeed outstanding contribution; although Costa Rica's land area is the third lowest in Central America, but the economic environment is better than half of the countries, but also because of the rich people, social stability, but also spare energy to care about environmental issues, Costa Rica has more than 30 national parks. in 1729

With regard to the coffee bean-related industry, Colombians say that coffee has changed the country and enjoyed a rich environment, and coffee has indeed made an outstanding contribution. Although the land area of Colombia ranks third from the bottom of Central America, its economic environment is better than that of half of the countries. due to the affluence of the people, social stability, and spare capacity to care about environmental issues, there are more than 30 national parks in Colombia.

Coffee was introduced into Costa Rica from Cuba in 1729. Today, its coffee industry is one of the well-organized industries in the world, with a yield of 1700 kg per hectare. Costa Rica has only 3.5 million people but 400m coffee trees, and coffee exports account for 25 per cent of the country's total exports. Costa Rica's volcanic soil is very fertile and well drained, especially in the central plateau CentralPlateau, where the soil consists of successive layers of ash and dust. Costa Rica was therefore the first country in Central America to grow coffee and bananas for commercial value. Coffee and bananas are the country's main exports.

The research center, located about 30 kilometers northeast of San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, belongs to the Costa Rican Coffee Association and is a national coffee species in Costa Rica.

The newly developed villa sarchi planting, breeding and quality inspection research institutions, in addition, it also has 10 hectares of experimental plots, planting a number of excellent varieties. Coffee is Costa Rica's main agricultural product, with an annual output of more than 2 million bags (60 kilograms) and foreign exchange earnings of 250 million US dollars, second only to pineapples and bananas.

All the coffee trees planted in Costa Rica are Arabica coffee trees. through improvement, the quality of coffee beans is better and more stable. in order to facilitate picking, coffee trees are kept at a height of about 2 meters through continuous pruning. The coffee that people eat is the taste of the seeds in the fruit that are brewed in water. After picking raw coffee beans, the seeds (that is, coffee beans) can be roasted only by peeling, pulp, seed film and sun exposure. now part of the process can be replaced by machines, and the speed of coffee production has increased a lot. However, there is no machine to do the coffee picking, so we must use manual labor.

Costa Rica is located in the Central American isthmus, belonging to North America, latitude 10 °north, longitude 84 °west. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east and the North Pacific Ocean to the west, with a coastline of 1290 km (212km on the east coast and 1016 km on the west coast). Costa Rica borders Nicaragua in the north (309 km long border) and Panama (639 km long border) south-southeast. There are a total of 51100 square kilometers, of which the territory is 50660 square kilometers and the territorial sea is 440 square kilometers, which is slightly smaller than West Virginia in the United States and is quite different from the climatic conditions of Ireland and Costa Rica, completely subverting the classification of the four seasons of the year. There are only two seasons, the rainy season from April to December, with more rain, and the dry season from the end of December to April of the following year, also known as summer. The annual average temperature in San Jose, the capital, ranges from 15 ℃ to 26 ℃. The temperature in the coastal areas is relatively high. The average night temperature in the Caribbean is 21 ℃, and the daily average temperature is 30 ℃. It is called the Legislative Assembly, the unicameral system, the barber assembly, the exercise of legislative power and other important functions and powers. Major government decisions need to be examined and approved by the Legislative Assembly, which is called the "first power" of the country. It is the highest legislature in the country, composed of 57 members. Members are directly elected by voters for a term of four years and are non-re-elected. The current Legislative Assembly was formed in May 2010. the new Legislative Assembly was elected on February 2, 2014. the election results are as follows: 18 seats for the ruling National Liberation Party (PLN), 12 seats for the Civic Action Party (RAC), 4 seats for the Free Movement Party (PML), 8 seats for the Christian Social Solidarity Party (PUSC), and 1 seat for all the people to join the Party (PASE). Broad Front Party (FA) 8 seats, National Reform Party (RN) 1 seat, Costa Rican Reform Party (RC) 1 seat, Christian Democratic Union (ADC) 1 seat and 2 independent parliamentarians. The current chairman is Luis Fernando Mendoza Fernando Mendoza Jimenez of the National Liberation Party, who was elected in May 2013 for an one-year term. On 1 May 2014, the Legislative Assembly completed the transition of the Christian Social Solidarity Party (Partido Unidad Social Cristiana): in December 1983, it was composed of the Democratic Baath Party, the National Republican Party, the Christian Democratic Party and the people's Alliance Party. Since its establishment, the party has developed rapidly and has formed a situation in which Costa Rican politics and the Democratic Party of the people's Liberation Party take turns in power. After 2000, the popularity of the party fell because several dignitaries were mired in corruption scandals. Party Chairman Gerardo Vargas Rojas (Gerardo Vargas Rojas), General Secretary William Alvarado Bogantes (William Alvarado Bogantes)

Colombian coffee culture is also unique, coffee is the pride of Colombians, Colombians like to talk about a few things, in addition to their football, which was once one of the best in the world, is their proud coffee. Drinking coffee in Colombia is a pleasure. Not only is it necessary three times a day, but the streets are full of cafes and customers are full of seats from morning till night. There is no instant saying in the cafe. It is now cooked and sold. The young lady pours it with exquisite porcelain bowls, respectfully presents it to the customers, and adds sugar at will. With the aroma in the room, the sweet and delicious bowl and the aftertaste of slow taste, it is no wonder that the local people are addicted to Colombia's coffee trade export management, which is mainly the responsibility of the National Federation of Coffee owners. It is an unofficial industry organization with several government ministers as its members. Colombian law clearly stipulates that only private businessmen with federation licenses can export coffee in order to maintain the image of Colombian coffee in the world. at the same time, it also ensures the stable revenue of the government in the coffee trade Arabica coffee has a varied and broad potential flavor. Arabica coffee produced in different regions, different elevations and different climatic areas usually has its own characteristics. It smells like grass when it is not roasted, and after proper roasting, it shows fruity (light baked) and caramel sweet (deep roasted). Her excellent flavor and aroma make her the only coffee among these native species that can be drunk directly and alone. As a result, she won more praise than any other coffee: known as "green gold".

1502 C. Columbus discovered the coast of Costa Rica on his fourth voyage. Since then, the Spanish colonists have invaded many times.

The city of Catago was founded in 1563 and Costa Rica was colonized by Spain and placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. During the colonial period, under the cruel enslavement and oppression of the Spanish colonists, the Indians were almost wiped out, and there was little labor available for enslavement, so the Spaniards had to cultivate small plots of land and produce the agricultural products they needed. Costa Rica has long been in a state of poverty, ignorance and isolation. [2]

In the 1820s, the independence movement in Latin America was high, and Costa Rica declared its independence in 1821.

Incorporated into the Iturvid Empire of Mexico in 1822.

He joined the Union of Central America in 1823.

The Republic of Costa Rica was founded in 1848.

From 1821 to 1870, the Costa Rican regime was mainly controlled by J.R. Maura Porras and J.M. In the hands of the two Montealegre families, the economy has developed greatly, and coffee has grown particularly rapidly and become a major export product.

From 1855 to 1857, President Mora Porras commanded the Costa Rican army and other Central American countries to crush American adventurer W. Volcker's invasion defended the independence of Central America.

From 1870 to 1882, T. Guardia Gutierrez exercised dictatorship, weakening the power of the two families. Since the 1970s, British and American capital has infiltrated. American entrepreneur M.C. Keith signed a contract with the Costa Rican government to build a railway from Port Limon to San Jose on the east coast, won a concession in 1999 and occupied large tracts of land to develop banana plantations.

The United Fruit Company of the United States took over Keith Industry in 1899 and controlled the production and export of railways and bananas. In 1913, banana exports ranked first in the world.

In 1917, F. Tinoco Granados staged a coup and established a military dictatorship. After Tinoco Granados stepped down, successive rulers were controlled by American monopoly capital. The labor movement sprang up in the 1930s.

The Communist Party of Costa Rica was founded in 1931 (renamed the people's Vanguard Party in 1943). The party led a general strike by banana plantation workers in 1934.

From 1940 to 1948, R.A. Calderon Guardia and T. Deterred by the people's Democratic Movement, the two governments of Picardo adopted some democratic reform measures under the promotion of the people's Vanguard Party.

In the 1948 general election, J.M.H, leader of the Social Democratic Party. Figueres Ferrer launched a civil war, seized power, set up a ruling council (see Costa Rican Civil War), and the people's Vanguard Party was outlawed.

In 1949 Figueres Ferrer handed over power to the elected leader of the National Union Party, O. Wulat Blanco.

In October 1951, led by Figueres Ferrer, the National Liberation Party was founded.