Coffee review

Fruity aroma of Bolivian snow vein estate fine coffee beans grind degree roast degree processing method simple

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Of course, the most famous is the Uyuni Salt Flats, and Bolivia's coffee is fantastic! Most of the traditional Typica species are grown in the mountains above 2000 meters with fertile volcanic soils. The water used to treat coffee also comes from melting snow in the mountains, which is completely free of pollution. Due to high altitude and low temperature all year round, Typica species here are not as large as those in neighboring countries, but have more diverse

Of course, the most famous is the Uyuni salt marshes, and the coffee in Bolivia is also excellent!

Traditional Typica species are mostly grown on high mountains with rich volcanic soil more than 2000 meters above sea level. The source of water for coffee treatment also comes from melted snow water in the mountains, which is completely pollution-free. Because of its high altitude and low temperature all the year round, the Typica species here is not as big as that of neighboring countries, but it has more diverse fragrances and fuller sweetness. Clean sweet malt, delicate and elegant aromas of orange, red jujube and lemon peel. In the aftertaste, the sweetness and aroma are very long-lasting. Most of the coffee in Bolivia is of mediocre quality, but in recent years, the production of boutique coffee has developed rapidly and there have been a lot of pretty good beans. In recent years, the COE (Cup of excellence) system, which was first implemented in Brazil, has gradually become popular. Bolivia has also introduced this system, which, on the one hand, can stimulate the enthusiasm of coffee farmers, on the other hand, it is also to improve the quality of coffee. COE beans are better than ordinary coffee in both raw and roasted coffee.

The aroma of Bolivian coffee is rich and unique, both the aroma of ground beans and the aroma of coffee are obviously rich, similar to the mixture of flower and fruit aroma, impressive.

Takesi Manor, the treatment of drinking water and coffee after harvest, uses ice-cold mountains and rivers that melt high mountains, so we give her a nickname: Takesi Snow vein Manor. In addition to a low-temperature, pollution-free environment, fertile and well-drained volcanic soil is also an element of coffee flavor. Although the owner of Agrotakesi SA is rich, he secretly respects nature and the way of getting along with each other, does not over-cultivate, and retains a large number of primitive forests and diverse ecological environment. It is famous for its crops such as apples, orchids and flowers, and now it has won the first prize in the coffee contest, and Takesi's reputation has become even more popular.

I remember that the admirable champion bean in 2007 was Coffee Manor, but her score was overtaken by the 2008 champion Cafe de Cordillera, when the international judges gave it a high score of 92.03. in 2009, Takesi Snow vein Manor got a score of 93.36, surpassing the champion of 2008, and the bidding price was as high as US $35.05. it was the highest bid in CoE national competition in 2009! Osher has been bidding for Bolivia's champion beans for three years in a row. She is really attracted by her delicate floral fragrance, charming sweet vanilla and clean and changeable flavor. In 2010, many factors, Bolivia decided to cancel the national competition, examine this batch of Takesi winning beans, it is mixed feelings, hard-won ah.

Wet fragrance: flower fragrance, refreshing perfume, sweet chocolate, berries

Sipping: many kinds of floral aroma, excellent cleanliness and fineness, high vanilla sweet, delicate sugar, peach, apricot, sour and sweet, premium Burgundy red wine, vanilla plant, green apple, white grapefruit, essential oil aroma, delicate and smooth touch, sweet finish and long-lasting aroma

Coffee producing areas in Bolivia:

Bolivian coffee is grown at an altitude of 180,000,670 meters.

Features of Bolivian coffee:

Flavor: high quality mixed coffee

Suggested baking method: medium to deep barbecue

★: general

The market for Bolivian coffee:

The coffee grown in Bolivia, in which Arab washed coffee beans are exported to Germany and Sweden, is not the best today and has a bitter taste.

The advantage of Bolivian coffee lies in its high altitude and excellent varieties of coffee, where the traditional Tibica and a small amount of Kaddura are highly valued in the world market. In the past, coffee trees in Bolivia used to act as hedges and ornaments around the garden. Real commercial production began in the early 1950s. The coffee industry in Brazil was badly damaged by the great frost in 1957, while Bolivia (Bolivia) benefited and developed rapidly. Bolivian coffee is grown at an altitude of 18000 to 2670m, and the Arabic washed coffee beans are exported to Germany and Sweden, which are not the best today, and Bolivia has about 12000 hectares of coffee plantations with a bitter taste. these coffee plantations are generally located in remote areas, coupled with Bolivia is a landlocked country, so There is always no way for the country to ship coffee of export quality in the right season.

Because of the importance of transportation and coffee production to people's livelihoods, Coca, like several other South American countries, is more attractive to people living in poor areas.

According to Fuligao coffee experts, the original Bolivian coffee will taste a little bitter, but the quantity and quality of coffee have improved because the new coffee tree has replaced the old one. With the improvement of the country's coffee industry, more of its coffee beans will enter the world coffee market Bolivia is a landlocked country in South America, neighboring Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Paraguay. Its main topography is the plateau, with an average elevation of more than 3000 meters, making it the highest plateau country in the world. Bolivia, with a temperate climate, is rich in natural resources and is known as a "donkey sitting on a gold mine". In addition to the famous mineral deposits, there are the ruins of the Inca Empire, which perished after the Spanish invasion, and the second largest natural gas field in South America after Venezuela.