Coffee review

A brief introduction to the Market Price of Fine Coffee Bean varieties in Incht Manor, Guatemala

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The average elevation of dangerous countries is high, with coffee belts distributed above 1500 meters and between 14 and 16 degrees north latitude, it is the easiest to grow extremely hard beans, all of which are washed, of which 45% belong to fine grade, the proportion is quite high, and there are also a small amount of Robusta. The main varieties of coffee in dangerous countries are bourbon, Tibika, Kaduai and Kaddura, and there are also a small amount of yellow bourbon, Rosa and Pacamara.

The average elevation of dangerous countries is high, with coffee belts distributed above 1500 meters and between 14 and 16 degrees north latitude, it is the easiest to grow extremely hard beans, all of which are washed, of which 45% belong to fine grade, the proportion is quite high, and there are also a small amount of Robusta.

Dangerous coffee varieties are mainly bourbon, Tibika, Kaduai, Kaddura, there are also a small number of yellow bourbon, Rosa and Pacamara, the variety is quite diverse, but it is also commendable to retain the ancient Tibica and bourbon.

3. Guatemalan coffee producing area

Guatemala is bordered by Mexico to the north, Honduras and El Salvador to the south, the Caribbean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west, with tropical rain forests, volcanic geology, plateau valleys and changeable microclimate. Guatemalan coffee once enjoyed a reputation as the best quality coffee in the world. The extra-hard coffee beans here are full-grained, delicious and balanced, and the coffee made with it is pure and rich.

There are few places in the world that offer a variety of high-quality coffee beans like those produced in Guatemala. The excellent quality of Guatemalan coffee beans is due to the unique conditions of their producing areas, including different climate changes in each region, rich soil formed by volcanoes, abundant natural water resources, high-altitude mountains and shady, moist forests, etc.

Guatemalan coffee exports are controlled by private companies, but the National Coffee Commission controls other sectors of the coffee industry.

At present, some of the best quality coffee from Guatemala is exported to Japan, where each cup of coffee sells for $3 to $4. In order to revitalize its coffee industry, Guatemala has specially set up a special coffee association and gives maximum funding and attention to these high-quality coffees. these efforts will soon bear fruit, and the real beneficiaries are not only coffee growers, but also coffee lovers all over the world.

The aristocrat in coffee

Guatemala Antigua Coffee is not only smooth, high hardness, good quality, more full-bodied and sour and sweet perfect match, coupled with a trace of smoke, but also emphasizes its deep and mysterious.

Guatemala is located in the center of North and South America, and its geographical location occupies an important position in Central America. Guatemala covers an area of about 108899 square kilometers. The land features can be divided into plateau volcanoes, lowland tropical forests, volcanic sandy shore plains along the Pacific coast, and virgin lands along the Caribbean Sea. The SierraMadre Mountains of Central America, which straddles Guatemala from east to west, covers an area of about 2GP3 and has 34 volcanoes. In this country, rivers and lakes dot the landscape, while equatorial forests and plain jungles cover the land. There are also untapped volcanic beaches on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts.

The coffee produced in Guatemala is one of the top coffee in the world, because Guatemala is a high-altitude volcanic terrain, and these volcanoes are the ideal places to grow coffee. Compared with other varieties of coffee, critics prefer this mixed flavor coffee with spicy flavor. The extra hard coffee beans here are a rare good coffee with full grains, delicious taste and balanced acidity. In addition, its giant coffee beans have attracted a lot of attention in Guatemala.

Coffee was really introduced into Guatemala in 1750 by Father Jesuit, and the coffee industry was developed by German colonists at the end of the 19th century. Today, most of the coffee industry's production takes place in the south of the country. There are seven major coffee producing areas in Guatemala, and the flavor of coffee produced in each area is different, but to sum up, Guatemalan coffee shows a mild and mellow overall texture, elegant aroma, and special and pleasant acidity similar to fruit acid, becoming the aristocrat of coffee, among which Antigua Classic Coffee (AntiguaClassic) is highly recommended by global coffee connoisseurs.

Antigua is the oldest and most beautiful city in America. As early as 1543, Antigua was the capital of all colonial times in Central America, and the Government House of Spain was also set up here. The whole city of Antigua was destroyed after the great earthquake of 1773, so the capital was moved to Guatemala City. Antigua is about 40 kilometers west of Guatemala City. Colonial buildings were damaged by the earthquake, and the whole remains after the earthquake is a living museum of history.

Antigua Island (Antigua) is a famous producer of coffee. Rich volcanic soil, low humidity, strong sunlight and cool night breezes are characteristic of Antigua. Three spectacular active volcanoes ── Agua, Acatenango and Fuego form a beautiful valley. Fuego active volcano also adds misty dust from time to time. Every 30 years or so, the area near Antigua is hit by a volcanic eruption, which provides more nitrogen to the already fertile land, and plenty of rainfall and sunlight make the place more suitable for growing coffee. Antigua coffee is produced in Camana Manor, where the best quality coffee is ELPulcal, which is not only of good quality, but also, when compared with other Latin American coffees, this coffee is quite complete, rich and astonishing, and you will find it unexpected if you enjoy it with chocolate. The most important thing is that it has a very rich flavor and a richer taste, and it has a fascinating taste of tobacco and is known as "the most perfect coffee bean".

From 1841 to 1871, conservatives organized the government of Guatemala. They tried to slowly modernize the country's economy while preserving the hierarchy left over from the colonial era. [8] on March 21, 1847, Guatemala declared the establishment of a republic. [7]

From 1871 to 1944, the country began to devote itself to economic modernization. At the same time, the United Fruit Company, which is dominated by the United States, has also begun to buy large coffee and banana estates in Guatemala and intervene in Guatemalan politics. After the revolution in October 1944, the former dictator was overthrown, Guatemala implemented democracy and freedom of expression, and the first law in Guatemalan history to protect the interests of workers came into force. [7] Guatemala began the process of democratization. [1]

Between 1950 and 1954, the ruling president Jacobo Abens implemented land reform, when big landlords, who accounted for 2 per cent of the country's population, owned about 70 per cent of the country's arable land. Arbens wrote a check for land reform, promising to buy the land held by the big landlords and redistribute it to small farmers. Arbens won the election, and the land reform plan was carried out immediately. Landlords who own more than 223 acres of land will be expropriated as long as there is land not used for production. In the end, an average of 4300 acres of land was expropriated from 1059 farms, and about 100, 000 farmers were given ownership of the land. [7]

United Fruit has its largest estate in Guatemala, and it also owns medium



Inter-American Railway and the only seaport in Guatemala. Driven by the United Fruit Company, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a propaganda war against Guatemala to crack down on the Arbens regime in the name of anti-communism. The Central Intelligence Agency, in cooperation with the opposition among Guatemalan soldiers, launched an operation called Operation PBSUCCESS. [7]

In 1954, Arbens was overthrown and Castillo Armas became the new dictator. The new government immediately invalidated all reforms. Enter the period of transition between the right-wing military government and the literati government. [1]

In 1957, Armas was assassinated and his heir was a soldier who was already known for his bloodshed in the dictatorship of the 1940s. [7]

In 1960, leftist military groups appeared in Guatemala

Guatemalan coffee beans are mostly cultivated in high-altitude volcanic soils belonging to the most advanced Arabica (Arabica) variety. Due to the long ripening period, the beans are medium and dense (Guatemalan coffee beans are graded not on the basis of particle size, but on the basis of shortcomings), and the bean color is dark turquoise. The unique sour taste of fragrance, mellow, sweetness and freshness is characterized by the aroma and taste of coffee beans hidden in its sour taste. Therefore, coffee beans with this characteristic can be called high-quality coffee beans. The name of the product is suitable for the taste characteristics of baking degree.