Coffee review

Hands-on Learn more about Hands-on

  • Taiwan coffee culture is mature and hands-on brewing experience

    Taiwan coffee culture is mature and hands-on brewing experience

    With the continuous expansion of the domestic coffee consumption market, people not only want to enjoy a good cup of coffee, but also want to know the knowledge of coffee and make it with their own hands to enhance the experience. The blog points out that coffee-themed books have grown by 30% compared with the same period last year, and hand-made related equipment has also become a hot seller. Taiwan's coffee market has not only continued to mature and expand in recent years, but consumers are more concerned about the upgraded coffee experience and online shopping platform.

    2016-09-22 Taiwan coffee culture maturity hands-on brewing promotion experience domestic coffee consumption
  • The process of making a coffee latte [coffee series] hands-on teaching you how to make coffee at home

    The process of making a coffee latte [coffee series] hands-on teaching you how to make coffee at home

    Latte is the transliteration of Italian Latte. In Italy, "Latte" is hot milk, and latte is called "CoffeeLatte", which is a kind of fancy coffee. Latte is a classic blend of Italian espresso and milk. Italians also like lattes as breakfast drinks. In the Italian kitchen in the morning, the sun is usually cooked on the stove at the same time.

    2016-04-28 One cup coffee iron production process series hands-on teach you at home how to
  • Hands-on Coffee practice course: brewing a cup of coffee with V60 stirring

    Hands-on Coffee practice course: brewing a cup of coffee with V60 stirring

    Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) each different method can make the same coffee bean out of a different taste ── of course, that is a slight difference, it will never be able to flush Mantenin out of the rose summer flavor. It mainly depends on which part of the coffee bean you want to enlarge or lower.

    2018-12-06 Hand brewing coffee practical operation tutorial V60 stirring French flushing one cup
  • Hands-on coffee-making skills that will not fail. You must know these tips.

    Hands-on coffee-making skills that will not fail. You must know these tips.

    Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) delicious hands are ever-changing, an unfortunate cup of coffee, always has its own problems! I know you want to ask, obviously follow every step to do, why your hand brewing coffee, not good! Come on, go over it from the beginning. Why? One coffee bean grinding

    2019-01-03 No no.
  • Coffee Association introduces European Coffee Association (SCAE) barista certification standards

    Coffee Association introduces European Coffee Association (SCAE) barista certification standards

    Just like getting a driver's license, the European Special Coffee Association will pass our written, oral and hands-on tests no matter where you received the training or even learned it yourself. There are a large number of barista training institutions around the world, but there is no independent testing and certification mechanism based on knowledge and production capabilities. just like

    2014-10-16 Coffee knowledge Coffee Association European Coffee Association SCAE
  • What is a barista?

    What is a barista?

    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

    2014-08-01 What coffee industry Barista understand yes extremely
  • Barista


    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

    2014-08-13 Coffee knowledge barista coffee training
  • What is a barista?

    What is a barista?

    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

    2014-08-29 Barista Coffee Encyclopedia
  • Have you ever thought of driving a car to sell coffee?

    Have you ever thought of driving a car to sell coffee?

    Have you ever thought of driving a car to sell coffee? Can jump out of the geographical restrictions, while playing can also sell coffee to earn travel fees, Yiran happy or not ~ some are special mobile coffee cars, some are hand-made, anyway, I admire their hands-on ability ~

    2014-09-03 Coffee news coffee car coffee business coffee life
  • Coffee creative and chic mobile coffee cart

    Coffee creative and chic mobile coffee cart

    Have you ever thought of driving a car to sell coffee? Can jump out of the geographical restrictions, while playing can also sell coffee to earn travel fees, Yiran happy or not ~ some are special mobile coffee cars, some are hand-made, anyway, I admire their hands-on ability ~

    2014-09-12 Coffee knowledge coffee car
  • A chic mobile coffee car abroad.

    A chic mobile coffee car abroad.

    Have you ever thought of driving a car to sell coffee? Can jump out of the geographical restrictions, while playing can also sell coffee to earn travel fees, Yiran happy or not ~ some are special mobile coffee cars, some are hand-made, anyway, I admire their hands-on ability ~

    2015-01-06 Coffee foreign chic mobile thought drive car to sell coffee can
  • Fine Coffee learn about Coffee what is a barista?

    Fine Coffee learn about Coffee what is a barista?

    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

  • What is Barista Boutique Coffee Basic Knowledge

    What is Barista Boutique Coffee Basic Knowledge

    According to the industry's understanding of barista, barista is a person who loves coffee extremely, has in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing beans, roasting, tasting, production, etc.; and has a deep understanding of coffee formats. The barista has noble character, sincerity and high cultural accomplishment. According to the requirements of domestic coffee business places for baristas: hands-on, brain-moving ability, and work

    2015-03-02 What Coffee Boutique Basics Common sense Industry Barista Philosophy
  • Basic knowledge of coffee what is a barista?

    Basic knowledge of coffee what is a barista?

    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

    2015-04-23 Coffee basics common sense what the industry coffee Barista understand come on
  • What is a barista? what skills do you need to be a barista?

    What is a barista? what skills do you need to be a barista?

    According to the industry's understanding of baristas (Barista), baristas are people who love coffee extremely and have in-depth research on coffee from planting, mixing, roasting, tasting, making, etc., and have an in-depth understanding of the coffee industry. Baristas are noble, sincere and highly educated. According to the requirements of domestic coffee shops for baristas: strong hands-on, mental ability and organized work.

    2015-10-19 What coffee needs skills industry Barista understand come on
  • SCAE barista certification standard

    SCAE barista certification standard

    There are a large number of barista training institutions around the world, but there is no independent testing and certification mechanism based on knowledge and production capabilities. Just like getting a driver's license, the European Special Coffee Association will get our certification no matter where you received the training or even learned it yourself. You only need to pass our written, oral and hands-on tests.

    2014-08-13 Coffee knowledge what is SCAE barista certification
  • The follow-up work of coffee shop operation and recruitment of staff

    The follow-up work of coffee shop operation and recruitment of staff

    After the coffee shop decides to hire employees, the operator should sign a written labor contract with the employees they employ. Only by signing the labor contract can the interests of the employees and the coffee shop be guaranteed. The signing of labor contracts must be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations. Whether coffee shop operators hire employees or not should be added in proportion according to the results of various tests and interviews, including management ability and hands-on.

    2015-03-03 Coffee shop operation coffee shop recruitment staff follow-up work decision
  • European Special Coffee Association (SCAE) barista certification standard

    European Special Coffee Association (SCAE) barista certification standard

    There are a large number of barista training institutions around the world, but there is no independent testing and certification mechanism based on knowledge and production capabilities. Just like getting a driver's license, the European Special Coffee Association will get our certification no matter where you received the training or even learned it yourself. You only need to pass our written, oral and hands-on tests.

    2015-04-23 Europe specialty coffee association SCAE certification standards all over the world.
  • Highly decorative coffee paper cups-handmade

    Highly decorative coffee paper cups-handmade

    A simple tutorial, using some readily available materials, does not require high hands-on ability. It can be made into a beautiful, decorative art coffee cup. The required materials include:-template-see the first picture-papering-glue (originally made from self-harvested wheat batter)-cardboard-cereal box is a good choice, or

    2014-08-15 Coffee paper cup
  • Coffee common sense siphon coffee pot suitable for brewing what kind of coffee

    Coffee common sense siphon coffee pot suitable for brewing what kind of coffee

    Siphon coffee pot is the favorite of many beginner coffee lovers, because the operation of siphon coffee pot is like doing chemical experiments, and you can enjoy the fun of hands-on. Although there are certain technical requirements for extracting coffee, it is still difficult to stop it from becoming the first choice for coffee makers. If you have a good coffee maker, you still need good coffee beans. Today, the editor will talk about siphon coffee.

    2015-02-06 Coffee common sense siphon coffee maker suitable which kind coffee pot is a lot