Coffee review

The follow-up work of coffee shop operation and recruitment of staff

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After the coffee shop decides to hire employees, the operator should sign a written labor contract with the employees they employ. Only by signing the labor contract can the interests of the employees and the coffee shop be guaranteed. The signing of labor contracts must be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations. Whether coffee shop operators hire employees or not should be added in proportion according to the results of various tests and interviews, including management ability and hands-on.

After the coffee shop decides to hire employees, the operator should sign a written labor contract with the employees they employ. Only by signing the labor contract can the interests of the employees and the coffee shop be guaranteed. The signing of labor contracts must be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations.

Whether coffee shop operators hire employees should be added in proportion according to the results of various tests and interviews, in which the proportion of management ability and hands-on operation ability is higher, recruit from high scores and sign employment contracts. Summon the recruits and organize the training according to the agreed time.

Coffee shops must pay attention to choosing the right number when recruiting staff. We should not only adhere to the principle of being lean, efficient and labor-saving, that is, to produce as many high-quality products and services as possible with as little labor consumption as possible, but also to ensure the physical and mental health of employees by combining work and rest. on this basis, determine the number of employees needed scientifically and reasonably.