Coffee review

The head of Man Coffee opened 100 cafes in 3 years. How did he do it?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee. This large-space coffee shop, which is always located next to the park and community, is considered to be the most successful Korean company in China after Samsung and Hyundai. Differential positioning, so that the coffee in the positioning at the beginning of the win, and so on the flashpoint, the later people want to catch up also can not catch up. By the floor-to-ceiling window of Kunming Golden Eagle's coffee, drinking lattes and chatting.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

"Man" coffee. This large-space coffee shop, which is always located next to the park and community, is considered to be the "most" successful business run by Koreans in China, with the exception of Samsung and Hyundai. Differential positioning, so that the coffee in the positioning at the beginning of the win, and so on the flashpoint, the later people want to catch up also can not catch up.

By the floor-to-ceiling window of the Golden Eagle's coffee in Kunming, drinking lattes, talking about dreams, and occasionally glimpsing the beautiful women passing by, then the leaves of the trees outside the window turned green and yellow, fell and green again.

Here is Xin Zi, the head of Man Coffee, talking about his business dream, expansion logic and law of cooperation:


To open 3000 stores, you can't cooperate with ordinary people!

Xinzi was not satisfied with the speed of 120 stores in three years. He took out two pages from his portfolio and was preparing the store list. He pointed to it and said, "it's too slow, still too slow!"

According to his figures, the number of cafes in South Korea was 2800 in 2007 and 18000 this year seven years later. For China, this is undoubtedly a golden age for the development of cafes.

His goal is to open 3000 coffee houses within 10 years. This kind of development cannot be achieved by relying solely on his direct stores in Beijing and Shanghai. Therefore, he must find a "reliable" partner in Beijing.

In addition to Beijing and Shanghai, Xin Zi said frankly that the partners he needs need to be able to open up to five stores in a region or city. This means that in China, where there is an inch of land and money, this partner is by no means an ordinary individual.

Even with high demands on partners, Man Coffee has undoubtedly attracted a large number of Chinese businessmen who want a piece of the pie. So, back to the original topic: what is the origin of Xin Zixiang's success? He thought for a moment and replied, "success comes from his thorough observation of the Chinese people."

Who knows the habits of Chinese people better?

After nine years in China, he found that Chinese people like to get together, whether they are chatting or eating, they all need an occasion, which is the third destination besides the company and home. Of course, the restaurant is a choice, but the restaurant is divided into high, middle and low grades, rich people may eat thousands of meals, while ordinary people eat a meal only about 50 yuan.

"the identity gap is very large." Xin Zixiang said, but in the coffee shop, the price of a cup of coffee is only 24 yuan, the price is cheap, the environment is relaxed, but people do not feel the identity gap.

Chinese coffee consumption also has its own characteristics: in South Korea, people generally only consume coffee in cafes, but Chinese seem to prefer to eat something else, especially desserts. As a result, coffee added a lot of freshly made ice cream muffins, the price of each dessert is about 50 yuan, the price is higher than coffee, but the cost is much lower than coffee.

Of course, diffuse coffee also seems to make up for the Chinese dissatisfaction with Starbucks: Starbucks is small, cramped, and its buildings are spacious and bright; Starbucks encourages you to take it away, and Man Coffee says, welcome to spend the day with your computer.

Starbucks will open its store in CBD, which has a high land price, while Man Coffee has chosen parks, communities and other sites with mild land prices. Differentiation has become a unique kill of Xin Zixiang.

In the case of smoking, for example, Xin Zixiang found that even if there was a no-smoking sign, Chinese cafes were often filled with smoke, so the entire second floor was designed as a smoking area. People can choose their environment.

He also opened the coffee shop in the university because he found that Chinese college students like to review their lessons in the coffee shop rather than in the study room. As a result, the Man Coffee Shop and the University of posts and Telecommunications stores have opened one after another.

His carefulness is also reflected in many aspects: childish bears with different colors after ordering, exotic lighting, old elm dining tables full of traces of age, and antique sofa chairs of different heights, all let people come to the coffee, just like coming to the home of an old friend, not nervous about losing the bright new paint at the corner of the table.

On the one hand, because the location has lowered the land cost, which accounts for the highest cost in business, while it has raised the level of consumption and increased the profit of individual products, so is the secret of the success of the coffee.

The law of cooperation: cooperate only with the Chinese

After reading the Chinese people and understanding the rules, Xin Zi Xiang, who has been a businessman all his life, is now confident and straightforward. And the secret of his success in making rice sausages to earn the first bucket of gold is market segmentation.

When asked about the difficulties of Korean businessmen in the development of China, he only gave a simple answer: "No, there are no difficulties at all."

There was a story that the coffee shop Lido No.1 was deserted at the beginning of its opening, but Xin Zi Xiang calmly said, wait, wait, wait. Nine months later, guests from Lido store swarmed in.

He told reporters that just like his newly founded Korean beer fried chicken restaurant, people need a place where they can both eat and drink. As long as things are right, all that's left is to wait.

When asked: is the coffee not afraid of imitators?

Xin Zixiang replied that the differential positioning made the coffee win at the beginning of the positioning, and as soon as the flashpoint arrived, the latecomers could not catch up even if they wanted to.

In addition, the coffee itself is also constantly innovating and evolving. He is now working with farms in Brazil to introduce the concept of "farm-table" (farm to table) so that drinking coffee knows not only where the coffee comes from, but also the stories of the growers and farmers. They will also invite world-class baristas to have a taste of the coffee.

He said that similar novel ideas keep popping up in his mind every day and will be put into practice when the time is ripe. But the seasoned he also said bluntly that his collaborators in China were Chinese, not Korean. "in China, good land and good resources are all in the hands of the Chinese people. Of course I have to cooperate with the Chinese people."


Q: why does Man Coffee not accept franchisees, but only partners?

Xin Zixiang: I don't join because this form is difficult to manage. The expansion of Man Coffee adopts the mode of direct operation and cooperation. In addition to Beijing and Shanghai, ManCoffee has a stake in other cooperation, so the cooperation will respect the views of the headquarters.

Q: what are the requirements for partners?

Xin Zixiang: the strength to open 5 stores is a passionate person.

Q: how many people are there in the main team of Man Coffee, and how many are Chinese?

Xin Zixiang: there are about 50 people in the team, only 5 are Koreans, and the rest are Chinese.

Q: what is the key to the success of the coffee shop?

Xin Zixiang: a good location.

Q: what do you think is the key to success in business?

Xin Zixiang: maintain vitality and fighting spirit. And the most important thing-diligence.

Q: last question, how did the waiter recognize so many bears?

Xin Zixiang: each bear has different colors and clothes. The focus of the waiter's training is to let the waiter recognize the bear.