Coffee review

Wuhan | recommend a kind of coffee to you according to your preference for coffee taste

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Youxin Cafe is located on Miaoli Road, there are also many cafes in this area, the door face is slightly ordinary, not specifically looking for, it is really difficult to find. The baristas here will recommend a kind of coffee to you according to your preference for coffee taste. Because of this, I also drank a very satisfactory coffee in Youxin that day. The most popular thing about Youxin coffee is the delicious French cake.

Youxin Cafe is located on Miaoli Road, there are also many cafes in this area, the door face is slightly ordinary, not specifically looking for, it is really difficult to find.


The baristas here will recommend a kind of coffee to you according to your preference for coffee taste. Because of this, I also drank a very satisfactory coffee in Youxin that day.

The most popular thing about Youxin coffee is the delicious French cake, which is more authentic and tastier than many cake shops. These cakes are made by the boss every day, and the styles are different every day. Interested students can follow their bibs and see everything about coffee and desserts.


Address: 17 Miaoli Road, Jiangan District (near Hong Kong Road Flyover, opposite Friends.)

Time: 12:30-21:00

Price: 43 yuan