Coffee review

Put your coffee shop in the ditch, not only Starbucks, but also consumers

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Data surveys are no longer reliable, and most of the time, consumers themselves don't know what they want! So put your cafe in the gutter, not just Starbucks, but consumers. One, the friend's answer two days ago, a distant friend excitedly ran to coffee business. The idea is clear: use 80+ premium beans better than Starbucks to make coffee better than Starbucks, and the price is still

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Data surveys are no longer credible, and most of the time, consumers don't know what they need!

So bring your cafe to the ditch, not only Starbucks, but also consumers.

First, the answer of a friend

Two days ago, a distant friend ran excitedly and said that he wanted coffee to start a business.

The idea is clear: using 80 + boutique beans better than Starbucks, making coffee better than Starbucks, the price is lower than Starbucks.

Jia sir said that it seems that there are such a batch of restaurants on the market. Why don't I introduce you and you go and learn from others.

The friend said slightly proudly that he had done a consumer survey, you see.

He handed over a form, which was a survey of more than 300 consumers he spent more than a month on.

According to the statistics, 80% of respondents said they would drink coffee at least once a week; 60% said they would prefer coffee of better quality than Starbucks; and nearly 50% said they knew about multiple varieties of coffee beans.

Friends are deeply affectionate and spoiled by the consumer survey data he was conceived in January.

"consumers have given the answer." He raised the "answer" in his hand carefully, as if his fate were written on those A4 papers.

"after reading this data, I dare not despise consumers." He smiled cunningly and said that sir's article on "self-narcissists" had inspired him.

Sir sounded happy, but he thought something was wrong.

Second, consumers who have not graduated

Where to start.

The great Jobs never disdained to do consumer research because he thought "those people have no idea what he wants."

Of course, we can't learn a genius like Steve Jobs. But he says that "consumers don't know what they want", just like consumers at this stage of the coffee market.

I am afraid that most of China's coffee consumers are still in the ignorant stage of nine-year compulsory education.

China's coffee market is growing at a rate of 10 times the world average, and the market cake is expanding day by day. I don't know when there are suddenly two more cafes on the corner you often pass by.

Compared with the fast-growing market, coffee culture still seems to be outside a somersault cloud.

Our consumers are in such an awkward stage: there are more and more coffee on the market, and I don't know if I have to have a drink.

This is very different from areas where coffee culture is mature.

As the birthplace of Italian, it is said that the veins of Italians are full of brown coffee.

Most locals have a piece of bread, a cup of Espresso (espresso) and a little fruit every morning.

They drink coffee as naturally as we eat steamed stuffed bun Youtiao, which is part of the food culture. Coffee is purer for them.

But in our country, under the pressure of the crazy growth market, ignorant consumers are more experiential consumption of coffee.

This form of consumption carries more functions. Such as the pursuit of leisure space, such as self-identity. The latter is popularly known as pretending X.

This is not to blame consumers love to dress, more often is this era forced to hold them to install.

Ka Sir believes that at least at this stage, when consumers buy coffee, they subconsciously buy more of a sense of elite identity. This kind of emotional and tasteful sense of existence is easy to enlarge through exquisite experiential consumption.

This kind of behavior is no longer a simple purchase behavior, but also a kind of performance economy.

Starbucks captures this consumer mentality. They spend a lot of money to upgrade cashier equipment for tens of thousands of stores, just to show the names and stars of member customers at cashier.

Let such a group decide your business direction, and sir shudders at the thought of it.


Third, the customer is God, and you are fooled.

The independent cafes with a large base in the market are very pitiful in many cases.

Chain giants can make a lot of money by relying on low costs and big brands. While the independent cafes struggle to survive, they are taken into the ditch from time to time.

There was a popular manuscript on the Internet to the effect that Starbucks trumpeted the concept of the third space on the one hand and secretly reduced the categories, reduced the comfort of its stores, increased the turnover rate and cup-out speed, and became a "fast food" beverage restaurant.

As a result, local cafes that use Starbucks as a benchmark have been deceived, one after another falling into the ditch compared to the third space of "slow life".

Mr sir believes Starbucks did not do it on purpose. Similarly, consumers do not mean to deceive you. You fell into the ditch because you were too simple.

Do you remember the story of the little white rabbit buying carrots?

The little white rabbit asked the shopkeeper if he had 10000 carrots every day, and the shopkeeper finally made up his mind to stock 10000 carrots.

The little white rabbit bought one happily.


Related readings:

The characteristics and Origin of American Coffee

"American Coffee" (English: Americano) is a kind of coffee, is the most common coffee. It is made by using an Espresso coffee machine and has a light taste.

Characteristics of American Coffee

American coffee is characterized by laissez-faire and no taboos, just like playing a game without rules. Americans are dismissive of all kinds of exquisite coffee made by Europeans. Americans drink coffee freely, American coffee is also deep into their lives is difficult to separate, the impact is even to the point that there is no coffee is not life.

Americans can't do without coffee almost 24 hours a day, whether at home, in the office, in public, or at a roadside vending machine. This consumes 1/3 of the world's coffee production and is the country with the largest coffee consumption in the world.

Generally speaking, American life is busy and tense, and they do not enjoy life as leisurely as people in Europe and the Middle East. A large pot of electric American coffee, from morning to night, because there is too much water and less coffee, the taste is very weak, so many people criticize that American coffee is really bad. In fact, in all parts of the United States, American coffee lovers can still taste their favorite coffee taste with a little more effort. If pure American coffee is divided into two categories, the east coast of the United States is stronger than the west coast, and the south is stronger than the north.

In addition, although the United States is the largest exporter of instant coffee, not many people in the United States drink instant coffee. In recent years, they pay more and more attention to a healthy diet, the market for decaffeinated coffee is increasing, and the trend of drinking coffee without sugar is becoming more and more common.

The origin of American coffee

The name of American coffee comes from the habit of American soldiers in Europe during the war to mix hot water into small portions of espresso that are common in Europe. It is said that the Apollo spaceship, which landed on the moon for the first time, had a life-and-death failure on its way home. At that time, the ground crew comforted the three astronauts with a word: come on! Delicious hot American coffee is waiting for your return.

Because Americans generally make coffee casually and simply, this method quickly became popular with the popularity of American chain stores in the world. Normally, a cup of American coffee is made by blending two espresso espressos with 30% 470ml hot water. Because of the large amount of hot water added, American coffee will look light both in appearance and in taste. In addition, the aroma of coffee will be slightly damaged as a result, and can not last as long as traditional espresso. Despite the addition of hot water dilution, American coffee still contains more caffeine than regular coffee. But its calories are very low.

In the United States, Australia and New Zealand, the practice of blending with hot water and then espresso is sometimes called Long Black. Sometimes, some simple coffee machines are also called American coffee machines. Actually, they are drip coffee machines.