Coffee review

Why are there fewer and fewer barbecue restaurants and cafes?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The newcomers of the workplace hold their father Xing in one hand and macbook in the other and push open the glass door with a small shoulder. It's a sense of ritual. At the end of work every night, go to the barbecue stall at the door to play some chicken wings with leeks, smoke a small cigarette and tell your heart. This is also a sense of ritual. These two kinds of life seem to be sought after by young people, the former is a sense of elite, the latter is a sense of leisure. If nothing else, just our colleagues.

The newcomers of the workplace hold their father Xing in one hand and macbook in the other and push open the glass door with a small shoulder. It's a sense of ritual.

At the end of work every night, go to the barbecue stall at the door to play some chicken wings with leeks, smoke a small cigarette and tell your heart. This is also a sense of ritual.

These two kinds of life seem to be sought after by young people, the former is a sense of elite, the latter is a sense of leisure. If nothing else, our colleagues shouted every day to open a coffee shop or barbecue stand after making enough money.

But my friend, I read a lot, you listen to me first--

Statistics show that there are fewer and fewer barbecue restaurants and cafes all over China.

Why are there fewer and fewer barbecue restaurants?

In fact, barbecue is the most profitable and fastest-growing category in the catering industry in recent years, and it is easy to develop.

As the oldest form of catering, an average of one out of every 10 restaurants in the three northeastern provinces is a barbecue restaurant. Barbecue is the braised chicken in Shaxian Lanla a few years ago. For example, when you go to play in an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River, the one highly recommended in the strategy is a barbecue in the northeast. Japanese, Korean, European and American flavor barbecue restaurants are also waiting seats in various cities.

People who eat barbecue are emotional, so people are not sensitive to the price of barbecue. Statistics show that 30 to 50 yuan per person may be enough for dinner, and 60 to 70 yuan for barbecue. Moreover, barbecue belongs to the seasoning, no matter how delicious cuisine, there are basically no requirements for the technical content of the master. The demand for ingredients is not high, from birds and animals to seafood Shanzhen, from steamed bread to spaghetti, as long as you can eat, all can be baked.

By September 2015, the number of barbecue shops collected by Dianping exceeded 180000, of which 84000 were newly opened that year. But by the second half of 2016, the number of stores included by Meituan Dianping had begun to decline, with 8000 fewer at the end of the year than in the middle of the year. The barbecue doesn't seem to be so hot.

Look at the picture above. In the second half of the year, barbecue restaurants in 16 major cities except Guangzhou and Xiamen are still strong, while barbecue restaurants in the other 14 cities are not in a beautiful mood. Even in the northeast of the barbecue stronghold, Shenyang and Dalian fell greener than the market.

Why is that?

Although barbecue has a long history, people's eating habits are barbecued on a large scale in 2013. According to the "category cycle rate" of three years, the barbecue has only just begun to experience the first three years.

Secondly, barbecue is a highly seasonal variety of food and beverage, hot in summer and cold in winter, with obvious off-peak season. During the off-season, some barbecue restaurants are empty, so on average, many barbecue companies do not have a net profit margin advantage throughout the year.

Barbecue business hours are also very limited. Most people like to use barbecue as a snack, and few people choose barbecue as dinner at noon. So during the period of heavy passenger flow, the barbecue restaurant is empty. This is a big test for the operation ability of the barbecue restaurant.

And in the impression of many people, barbecue is not very sanitary, eating upset stomach. This shows that the food supply chain of barbecue is still a little underdeveloped.

All these reasons make the business of the barbecue restaurant not so easy now. Full-category barbecue mode may not be easy to go, category segmentation may be a way, it is said that mutton kebabs may be one of the dark horses.

Then why are coffee shops cutting back?

In terms of number, Shanghai has the largest number of cafes in the country, with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen accounting for 16.4% of the total number of cafes in the country. The total number of cafes across the country continued to decline throughout the year, and there was a wave of "shop closures" in the second half of the year. More than 14000 shops were closed in the whole year, and more than 13000 were closed in the second half of the year alone.

In terms of increment, all major cities recorded negative growth in 2016. Shanghai had the lowest decline of 6%, with the largest decline of 28%, while Beijing fell by 20%.

But it doesn't quite match what we saw. There are many entrepreneurial eldest brothers who go to cafes to talk about venture capital financing, and many people actually go fishing for girls under the pretext of learning to read and write.

Why is the business of the cafe bad?

First of all, we have to say that although drinking coffee seems to have become a fashion and ritual, in fact, Chinese people have not yet formed the habit of drinking coffee, with only 5 cups per capita, compared with 200 to 300 cups in Japan and South Korea.

Therefore, the present mill cafe is still a very niche branch. However, the opening speed of cafes has far outpaced the growth rate of people who like to drink coffee. There are too many pots and not enough rice.

In addition, many coffee shops are actually small Wenqing, affectionate, but lack of basic business skills, and the management of the store may be almost interesting.

The price and popularity threshold of coffee are very high, but coffee drinkers are actually a minority. For these reasons, more cafes are opened, but more are closed.

So some friends always say, if I resign, I will open a barbecue stand and a coffee shop.

And Xiao Mei just wants to say, my friend, be reasonable, don't be impulsive.

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