Coffee review

Which of the 12 constellations' exclusive coffee is your dish?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The 12 constellations like coffee and taste it in different ways. Will you drink your constellation coffee? Let's have a look. Aries love and hate clearly you, vitality is particularly strong, will not flinch, in order to match the rapid pace of Aries, a cup of passionate full-bodied Italian coffee (Espresso) is the ideal choice for Aries: 6 to 8 grams of fried Italy

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The 12 constellations like coffee and taste it in different ways. Will you drink your constellation coffee? Let's have a look.


Aries has a clear distinction between love and hate, and you are so strong that you will never flinch. In order to match the hasty pace of Aries, a cup of passionate, full-bodied Italian coffee (Espresso) is the ideal choice for Aries: stir-fry Italian coffee beans, grind to the finest, and brew small 50cc cups of black coffee with an Italian coffee machine.


Taurus is intuitively sensitive to absolute gourmet, food and clothing. It comes from Blue Mountain Coffee on a 1200-meter mountain in Jamaica: buy a can of authentic Blue Mountain Coffee, grind it with a hand mill, and directly brew it into black coffee. When drinking, without sugar or cream, you can taste the most delicate Blue Mountain flavor. Only in this way can it best suit the unique taste of Taurus.



Gemini is a strong and fast-moving Gemini. They like everything new. The most suitable coffee for Gemini is seasoned coffee with varied and fashionable tastes: a variety of fruits, walnuts or spices are mixed on top of coffee beans. There are hundreds of choices from chocolate, almonds to mint. Gemini with multiple personalities might as well find your favorite taste from a dazzling array of tastes.


Cancer is conservative and sensitive, and you are a born collector. For you who are frugal and conservative, comprehensive coffee with just the right amount of bitterness, such as Espresso, can obviously meet the demand.


For the worshiped Leo, there is nothing more suitable than "golden coffee". It is said that Leo hero Napoleon likes this kind of coffee best: first pour the freshly brewed hot coffee on the coffee cup, put a special spoon on the cup, put on the spoon the sugar soaked in brandy, turn off the lights, light the sugar with matches, and the beautiful light blue flame begins to burn. When the flame goes out, put the spoon into the coffee and stir.


For Virgo, who has more time to worry than any other sign, Martha Coffee: heat the hot coffee, sugar and red wine in a pot, pour it into a coffee cup, put a slice of lemon and cinnamon sticks, and stir with a cinnamon stick instead of a spoon. It can help Virgo relax their overstretched nerves.


Libra, who values harmony in everything, has a unique taste in artistic costume layout, and the pure Viennese coffee is obviously the ideal choice: squeeze the whipped cream on the brewed coffee.


Scorpio is a Scorpio of good and evil. Mysterious cappuccino cappuccin


Sagittarius has a cup of "Irish coffee" with whisky that best caters to his Mercedes-Benz imagination: put sugar and an ounce of Irish Whiskey into a coffee cup, pour in hot coffee to melt the sugar, and then add whipped cream to the coffee.


Capricorn you have an indomitable, down-to-earth, steady personality, the most suitable for bitter, fragrant and mellow Mantenin: no sugar, only a little cream, fine taste of Mantenin


Aquarius you are a standard benevolent and philanthropist. For you who know each other all over the world, even a cup of coffee should be constantly changing. Mocha cocoa is worth a try: put sugar in the coffee cup, pour in the hot coffee, mix well with chocolate and milk, and finally sprinkle the surface with whipped cream and sprinkle with thin chocolate chips.


Pisces are particularly prone to indulge in a hobby, and even coffee can be addictive, so French milk coffee: 1/2 hot milk, mixed with 1/2 plain coffee, makes gentle milk greatly reduce the lethality of caffeine.

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Drinking coffee immediately after getting up can easily lead to excess energy.

(1) get up early in the morning for coffee

Drinking coffee immediately after getting up can easily lead to excess energy and people become neurotic, according to Stephen Milan of the American University of Health Sciences. However, moving the coffee drinking time to about an hour after getting up will not only significantly decrease the energy rise, but also keep the refreshing effect of coffee continuing into the afternoon.

Misconception of drinking coffee in the morning: drinking coffee immediately after getting up can easily lead to excess energy.

(2) Breakfast that ate too little

Michel Duffenport, PhD in nutrition, believes that a small breakfast not only cannot support enough energy in the morning, but also cannot meet the needs of the human body from a nutritional point of view. To eat a full and good breakfast, you need to eat 15 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and a small amount of good fat.

(3) start sending and receiving emails when you get under the quilt in the morning.

Compared with the first two, in fact, this is the bad habit that needs to be corrected most. Dr. Marissa Marguerite says it's easy to start hoarding stress for a day as soon as you get up, making people invisible into a stressful state.

Instead of paying attention to what kind of e-mail you received, devote your energy to doing exercise and drinking tea. These things can improve the body's own productivity and creativity at the beginning of the day.