Coffee review

Strange Cafe in Guatemala: tropical jungle with vintage cars to create an interesting space

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Madero Caf é (Madero Cafe), located on the busiest street in Guatemala City, Central America, with its unique eye-catching exaggeration and unique interior design, it has become a great place for local relaxation and relaxation. On the exterior building of the cafe, there are four old cars of very different colors breaking through the wall.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

Madero Cafe, located on the busiest street in Central America's Guatemala city, has become a good place to relax and relax with its unique eye-catching exaggerated shape and unique interior design.

咖啡馆的外观建筑上有4辆颜色迥异的老爷车“破墙而出”。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

There are four different colors of classic cars "breaking through the wall" on the exterior of the cafe. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)

咖啡馆的内部种植大量绿色植物,外加色彩鲜明的装饰与纹理,营造出一种热带丛林般的气氛。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

The interior of the cafe is planted with a large number of green plants, plus colorful decorations and textures, creating a tropical jungle-like atmosphere. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)

咖啡馆的室内面积达450平米,由Taller Ken公司设计。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

The cafe has an interior area of 450 square meters and was designed by Taller Ken. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)

咖啡馆内有用以装饰的老爷车和如棕榈树之类的热带植物,巧妙的融合入丛林的氛围。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

The cafe has classic cars to decorate and tropical plants such as palm trees, which blend neatly into the jungle atmosphere. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)

各式纹理的彩色家具、餐具和装饰,同时也营造出一种温馨有趣的就餐氛围。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

The café has colorful furniture, cutlery and decorations of various textures, while also creating a warm and interesting dining atmosphere. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)

咖啡馆的屋顶上安装了雨水收集系统,用以灌溉室内的绿化植物。(图片来源:Leonardo Izaguirre)

A rainwater harvesting system was installed on the roof of the cafe to irrigate the indoor greenery. (Photo by Leonardo Izaguirre)