Coffee review

The efficacy and effect of drinking coffee: helps to reduce the risk of heart disease

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Following Kaiping (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop of its own, Korean researchers have found that drinking a few cups of coffee a day can help people avoid clogging their arteries, thereby helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. They studied more than 25000 men and women who underwent routine health check-ups. It turns out that drinking the right amount of coffee every day (3-5 cups)

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Drinking a few cups of coffee a day can help people avoid clogged arteries and thus help reduce their risk of heart disease, South Korean researchers found. They studied more than 25000 male and female employees who underwent routine health checks. Employees who drank moderate amounts of coffee daily (3-5 cups/day) were less likely to develop early symptoms of heart disease.


The results reopen the debate about whether coffee is good for the heart.

When it comes to coffee's impact on heart health, there are many different voices. Some studies have linked coffee to heart risks, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure; others have suggested that coffee may offer some protection against heart disease. But there is no hard evidence for either, and the study, published in Heart magazine, only adds fuel to the controversy.

3-5 cups of coffee a day helps reduce risk of heart disease

In the study, researchers used medical scans to assess heart health; specifically, they were constantly checking for any disease in the subjects 'coronary arteries. Calcium deposits in the coronary arteries are an early symptom of coronary atherosclerosis, which may eventually lead to heart disease or stroke. Researchers are looking for calcium deposits as an early clue to whether a heart attack is likely.

None of the participants in the Korean study showed signs of heart disease, but more than one in 10 had calcium deposits detected on scans. Those who drank coffee daily had fewer calcium deposits in their coronary arteries than those who drank no coffee or less, the comparison found. The subjects reported how much coffee they drank each day, and the researchers also took into account other possible cardiac risk factors, including smoking, exercise and family history.

The authors of the paper also said that more research is needed to verify and explain this conclusion. Coffee contains caffeine and other substances, but it is not clear whether these substances are good or bad for the body. Victoria Taylor, of the British Heart Foundation, said: "In addition to further confirmation of the results, it is necessary to consider the differences in dietary habits between South Korea and other countries."

So how much coffee should I drink every day?

In the United States, experts say 400mg of caffeine per day is safe for most healthy adults.

In the UK, there is no recommended daily caffeine intake limit (except for pregnant women). If you are pregnant, limit caffeine intake to 200 mg per day, which is equivalent to 2 cups of instant coffee.

1 mug of instant coffee =100 mg caffeine

1 cup filtered coffee =140 mg caffeine

1 cup of tea =75 mg caffeine

1 cup of cola =40 mg caffeine

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Characteristics and origin of carbon coffee

Characteristics of Carbon Coffee

Carbon coffee, also known as bitter coffee, means that the fire source of roasting coffee is carbon fire, sometimes using special wood as fuel, and the coffee beans roasted with carbon fire will have wood flavor instead of carbon burning flavor. This coffee comes from Japan, and the pure re-roasting creates the unique taste of Japanese charcoal, its aroma is special, sweet, mellow, rich, extremely bitter.

Many coffee drinkers refer to coffee that is deeply roasted as carbon coffee. In fact, carbon-roasted coffee refers not to deep-roasted coffee beans, but to light-roasted coffee beans.

Origin of Carbon Coffee

The origin of carbon coffee is Japan, carbon coffee means that the fire source of roasting coffee is carbon fire, sometimes special wood as fuel, because the coffee beans roasted with carbon fire will have wood flavor, rather than carbon burning flavor. Because coffee beans are roasted with wood, coffee beans should not be roasted too deep to preserve woody. So, don't roast coffee as black as wood charcoal called carbon coffee, it can only drink full of carbon burning flavor.

For carbon-roasted coffee, we can compare it to financial tycoon Soros. Soros's English name Shaoluos, when spoken, is pronounced Soros, and when the letter order is reversed, it is pronounced Soros. It is a complete devil name, and it is full of evil. According to the Chinese meaning, carbon coffee can also reach that kind of state, saying that carbon coffee is bitter, saying that black coffee burned by carbon is also bitter to the soul, saying that it is born to be defined by people as "bitter."