Coffee review

This is probably the most highly educated barista. Top scientists make coffee for you.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The picture shows the interior of Dis Caf é very. These days, a coffee shop in Nanjing Biopharmaceutical Valley, Jiangbei New area, which has just started trial operation, has accidentally become an online celebrity and is known as the coffee shop with the highest academic background in Nanjing. Its shareholders are all founders or executives of the company who started their business here, including 3 experts of the National Thousand talents Plan and 12 overseas returnees. In the future, there will not only be life here.

The picture shows the interior of the "Diskvery" Cafe.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

These days, a coffee shop in Nanjing Biopharmaceutical Valley, Jiangbei New area, which has just begun to open on a trial basis, has accidentally become an "Internet celebrity" and is known as the cafe with the highest educational background in Nanjing. Its shareholders are all founders or executives of the company who started their business here, including 3 experts from the Thousand talents Plan and 12 returnee doctors. In the future, there will not only be coffee brewed by the world's top scientists in the field of life and health, but also a new incubation platform for entrepreneurship.

The cafe is located in the hall on the first floor of Building B, Danyuan Building in the Biomedical Valley. Push the door into the store, the space is only more than 100 square meters, retro Jane European style decoration, specially set aside a spacious area for a long conference table, the decorator is busy installing projectors and socket panels. "in the future, there will often be some start-up salons here, so the projector is standard." Jin Yinyan, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Zhongpu testing Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders, introduced to the reporter.

Talking about the original intention of crowdfunding cafes, Gu Kai, one of the sponsors and general manager of Nanjing High-tech Biopharmaceutical Public Service platform, said that in recent years, more and more start-ups have settled in Biopharmaceutical Valley, many of which are "returnees." We often meet in elevators, canteens and conference rooms, and there are always many cutting-edge academic exchanges and ideas colliding. In particular, in the past two years, the High-tech Zone Talent Association, with a number of science and technology entrepreneurs in Biopharmaceutical Valley and high-tech zones as the main body, has launched a "steamed bread program" to support start-ups, especially looking forward to an open space within the park. Everyone can sit down, have a cup of coffee, and carry out various activities freely and easily.

As soon as the motion was issued, several "bigwigs" immediately responded. They include Dr. Yang Minmin, an expert from the Thousand talents Plan and founder of Nanjing Pharmaceutical Stone, Dr. Wu Yongqian, founder of Jie Ankang, Dr. Zhu Yuanming, head of adama China R & D Center in Israel, and Professor Gao Xiang, Director of the Model Animal Institute of Nanjing University and Distinguished Professor of the Yangtze River Project, and other high-level entrepreneurial talents. The Biopharmaceutical Valley also gave strong support and quickly coordinated a suitable site. The cafe began to be designed and decorated in the first half of this year and will be officially opened for business on July 2.

The name of the cafe was "brainstormed" by the shareholders, and everyone came up with a name. Wang Suke, chief scientist of the high-tech biomedical public service platform, put forward "Dis very". First of all, Discovery has the meaning of research and development. "coffee" refers to coffee, but also refers to the "big shots" of shareholders, as well as the entrepreneurial "big shots" who will grow through this platform in the future. The name has been unanimously approved by all shareholders.

Many of the designs in the cafe are very special. For example, coffee beans are held in glass flasks, and coffee cups in the shape of flasks may be used in the future. The "molecular formula" will be affixed to the floor-to-ceiling windows. A row of coffee machines and mixing bars of different shapes on the bar are purchased by the shareholders themselves. As shareholders often fly around the world, it is agreed that everyone will bring back a bag of the best local coffee when they go abroad.

Every shareholder also has the obligation to "work" in the cafe, at least one day a month. In the future, a "duty list" will be posted at the door of the cafe. If you want to ask a "big shot" for academic knowledge or entrepreneurial experience, you can take advantage of his "duty" day to drink coffee. "in the future, a 'biotechnology' coffee training course will be held here, and all kinds of activities of the talent association will be carried out here on a regular basis." Jin Yinyan said.

Unexpectedly, the phone calls of many shareholders were exploded on the day that the news of the trial operation of "Discavery" spread on the Internet. "several biomedical scientists from the United States, Canada and other countries came to me and said they wanted to participate in crowdfunding and to start a business in Biopharmaceutical Valley." Gu Kai said, "well-known enterprises and investors in the Zhangjiang and Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in Shanghai have also come and invited us to open chain stores in other places. In the future, the cafe will also set up a venture capital fund, named after 'Diska very'. If it works well, we do not rule out copying this model to some start-up parks in Nanjing or other places. "