Coffee review

Coffee Man Story | I am not confused in my youth, and the post-95 girls are also hanging out at Starbucks.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) A few people sit together, each with a cup of coffee, raise a cup to celebrate, laugh, selfie, funny, surprise, moved a lot. This is a unique graduation ceremony prepared by Starbucks Yintai City store partners for their recent college graduate partner Alam, which only belongs to Alma's Coffee Tasting, which is different from Ping.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Several people sat together, each with a cup of coffee, toasting, laughing, selfie, funny, surprised and moved a lot. This is a unique "graduation ceremony" prepared by Starbucks Silver Taicheng store partners for their recent college graduate partner Alam-- it only belongs to Alma's Coffee Tasting. Unlike usual, Alma received a sincere graduation season gift.

In the early summer of June, some people lamented that their youth was over and that they were unemployed after graduation, while others determined the direction of their future work. Two years ago, when she was an ignorant college student, she first joined Starbucks as a part-time job, cautious and timid. two years later, she was promoted to be on duty supervisor of the store, dealing with all kinds of problems and becoming someone else's master. They all say, "whose youth is not confused", but it seems that this sentence is not quite true in her body. Now she has more clear plans for the future. The girl who is jokingly called "Little Xue Kaiqi" has performed the post-95's initiative and down-to-earth. At the age of 22, she is now the duty supervisor of Starbucks Intime City store in Chengdu.

Ignorant Xiaobai is involved in the workplace and has an appointment with Starbucks.

Freshman year, under the recommendation of seniors to Starbucks for a part-time interview, although nervous, but also a smooth knock on Starbucks door. Entering the workplace, Alma needs to learn a lot of knowledge, sometimes more or less a little clumsy, there will inevitably be mistakes. But it didn't stop her from moving forward. While studying, she also felt the unique cultural atmosphere of Starbucks. Her pure and lovely smile, warm and considerate service, and considerate greetings to customers, but also "warm" to Teddy, who was transferred to Ox store as deputy store manager at that time, she decided that Alam was suitable to work at Starbucks. Coinciding with the opening of the Yintai City store, Teddy, as the manager of the new store, chose Alma, who was only part-time, and invited her to join the "important work" of the new store opening.

The part-time time at Starbucks is very flexible, and the coffee in the store is always pleasant to get along with familiar customers and other partners. at that time, Alma's goal was to be a happy part-time barista. Young heart is always ready to move, always hope that life has more possibilities, junior year she also eager to quit to Teddy, want to try some different careers to cherish the talent of Teddy but very much want her to stay, but also understand what Alma wants to try, finally Teddy said to Alma: even if there is only one day a week, I hope Alma can come to Starbucks part-time.

The first career development goal was set at Starbucks

Alma looked for opportunities to try some different jobs: office white-collar work, the repressive office environment, which made her uncomfortable; she also received job offers from other well-known brand stores, but found that the development space did not seem optimistic. For a long time, the confusion of graduation made Alma feel at a loss what to do, when she remembered her Starbucks master Teddy and talked to her about her troubles. Teddy also seriously discussed career planning with Alma. She shared her story with Alma: because she met Starbucks, she felt "too late to meet each other". Instead, she gave up her job with a university major for more than a year, joined Starbucks, and shared the true story of many part-time partners who became full-time, studied and experienced at Starbucks step by step, and even grew into a store manager. Also for her rational analysis of the momentum of Starbucks' strong development in China, partners have more room for promotion, and at Starbucks, the growth of partners is not only the promotion of positions, but also more opportunities to experience different experiences. Teddy is also very sure of the development potential of Alma, hoping that she can set the first goal for herself, give herself a chance, and ask herself with higher requirements. Grow up in such an atmosphere with a special partner culture.

Finally, at the end of 2016, after careful consideration, Alma decided to stay at Starbucks and began to improve himself with the requirements of a full-time partner. Teddy also asked Alma to be a full-time partner and found that she soon entered a full-time role. She began to pay close attention to the operation of the store, found problems and proposed solutions after thinking; she would also take the initiative to communicate with other partners on how to improve herself; when she encountered problems, she would always think: if I encounter such a situation, how to deal with it …... In this way, the studious and proactive Alma was promoted to a part-time duty supervisor at the end of May this year, which seems to be too good luck in the eyes of outsiders, but it is reasonable for Alma to pay attentively. Alma is so happy that he will become a full-time partner of Starbucks as soon as he gets his college diploma.

Unexpectedly, Starbucks at work is also a home-like existence.

Since childhood, her parents are busy with work. Alma was brought up by her grandmother. The way the old people celebrate her is to cook her favorite dishes, but she has never had a real birthday Party. "I still remember that day, near my birthday, I found a cake in the fridge and asked curiously, whose cake is this? Unexpectedly, the first formal birthday celebration in my life was at Starbucks, with my friends. I am really grateful to these lovely friends for giving my family the feeling of "looking back on the birthday scene, Alma unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth." It is said that she was not so calm that day, tears filled her eyes, cried and laughed, and hugged all the friends present one by one.

The well-intentioned birthday celebration made Alma feel the warmth of home, and a bigger surprise was yet to come. In May this year, Alma was recommended as a member of Starbucks "Star Team" to return to Yibin to assist in the opening of Yibin's first Starbucks store, so that her parents, who knew nothing about her work, also knew and affirmed her job. "you know, Star Team' had better be a black apron or a regional coffee maestro. As the only green apron partner at the time, she was proud and felt she needed to work harder. Thank you very much for this opportunity. I have returned from 'one home' to 'another home', in such a form, in an identity that makes me proud. "

Today, Alma at work has already got rid of the youth of his peers, can easily deal with in-store affairs, carefully learning management experience, and passionately learning coffee knowledge. Teddy said, "she works hard and loves to use her head!" Her companions and customers like her very much, and her future is boundless.

In Alma's view, her story is full of gratitude to Starbucks and to her partners. Be grateful to Starbucks' internal mutual assistance mechanism, get to know a lot of interesting and progressive partners; be grateful for the internal training mechanism to make you know more about coffee and career growth; thank the people you meet and always help you grow; be grateful that you can start with a part-time job and have a clear career plan; Thanksgiving this choice gives you the opportunity to grow up, and the future becomes clearer and clearer. Referring to the next step, Alma said that he especially wants to improve his flower drawing skills, wants to take an examination of regional coffee masters, and hopes to one day become a store manager like Teddy and grow up in Starbucks.

Youth will not graduate, friends will see you at any time. The first stop of the post-1995 Alma starts from Starbucks. "Star Dad" Howard once said affectionately: "since 1971, millions of people have worn or worn Starbucks green aprons." Alma is the proud 1/1000000, and China has 40, 000 Starbucks partners traveling with her.

Love in the heart is youth!