Coffee review

Flavor characteristics, producing areas and cooking parameters of single bean in Santa Rita Manor, Colombia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Columbia Santa Rita Manor single bean flavor characteristics, producing areas and brewing parameters main varieties: 11% Typica 75% Caturraphia 14% Castillo by a special combination of various factors, latitude, altitude, soil, plant origin and production of species in the coffee growing area of Colombia.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flavor characteristics, producing areas and cooking parameters of single bean in Santa Rita Manor, Colombia

Main varieties: 11% Typica, 75% Catura, 14% Castillo.

A special combination of factors, latitude, altitude, soil, plant origin of species and varieties of coffee production in Colombia's coffee growing area, rain patterns produced by the climate of the coffee growing area and tropical convergence, changing topography, luminosity, favorable temperature range throughout the year, moderation and Rain Water's distribution And include some common cultural practice areas in the process of selective logging and transformation, including washing and drying. Very suitable for the growth of coffee, mild climate, humid air, and can be harvested regardless of season. This is why Colombian coffee is of high quality. Colombia has three Codiera mountains running north and south, right into the Andes. Coffee is grown along the highlands of these mountains. The mountain steps provide a diverse climate, where the whole year is the harvest season, and different kinds of coffee ripen at different times. And fortunately, unlike Brazil, Colombia doesn't have to worry about frost. About 2.7 billion coffee trees have been documented in Colombia, 66 per cent of which are planted in modern plantations and the rest on small traditional farms.

At present, the coffee production of Vietnam in Asia has surpassed that of Colombia. In addition, Indonesia has also developed into the fourth largest coffee producer in the world. In 1721, French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu brought the first coffee sapling from Africa to Martinique in Latin America, which is the origin of coffee cultivation in Latin America. Because France was under the Bourbon dynasty, Arabica coffee grown in Latin America had another name, bourbon, which is now famous in the coffee industry. Bourbon is now an important branch of coffee in Arabica. The overall flavor of Latin American coffee is famous for its balance, and all the flavors in the coffee can be found in Latin American coffee. The widespread use of wet treatment of raw beans is also one of the characteristics of Latin American coffee, good processing also makes its beans larger and more uniform than African coffee, and the defect rate is lower. Colombia is one of the largest producers of high-quality coffee in the world. Colombia is a bright pearl in the world coffee map and a blessed place for coffee. Arabica coffee is grown on a steep slope at an altitude of 800,000m above sea level. It is hand-picked and washed.

The suitable climate in Colombia provides a real "natural pasture" for coffee. Coffee trees in Colombia are mainly cultivated in the Andes, on steep slopes about 1300 meters above sea level, where the annual temperature is about 18 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall is 2000 to 3000 millimeters, latitude 1 °- 11 °15 north, longitude 72 °- 78 °west, the specific range of elevation is more than 2.000 meters.

Variety: Kaduai, Kaddura

Manor: Santa Rita

The history of coffee cultivation in Colombia can be traced back to the Spanish colonial era in the 16th century, and there are many theories about the history of coffee in Colombia:

One: it is said to come from the sea island of the Caribbean and from El Salvador in Central America.

Second: in 1808, a priest introduced coffee beans to Colombia for the first time from the French Antilles via Venezuela. One of them is that Colombia's first coffee seeds were imported from Venezuela through the province of Santander.

Third: the earliest records of coffee cultivation in Colombia appear in the book "The Illustrated Orinoca" written by Jose Gumilla, a Spanish missionary. He describes what he saw when he preached on both sides of the Meta River in 1730, in which he mentioned the local coffee plantation. By 1787, other missionaries had spread coffee to other parts of Colombia.

Hand-washed Santa Rita, Colombia. 15g powder, medium grinding (small Fuji ghost tooth cutter 4 grinding), v60 filter cup, 88-89 degrees water temperature, 30g water injection for the first time, steaming for 27 seconds, water injection to 105g water cut off, wait for the amount of water in the powder bed to reach half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, no water powder ratio at the end, 1:15, extraction time 2:00

Flavor: sucrose, clean, medium alcohol thickness

Colombia, located in the northwest of South America, is a beautiful country with a long history. Indians have lived on this land since ancient times. It was colonized by Spain in 1531 and gained independence in 1819. It was renamed in 1886 to commemorate Columbus, the discoverer of the American continent. Colombia has beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, spring all year round and fresh air. Colombia is rich in products, especially coffee, flowers, gold and emeralds are known as the "four treasures". Today, the country is the second largest coffee producer after Brazil, the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans and the world's largest exporter of washed coffee beans. Colombian coffee is often described as silky and smooth. Of all the coffees, it is the most balanced, soft, smooth and ready to drink, and it has won praise that no other coffee can match: known as "green gold".

Kaddura (Caturra), a natural variety of Arabica variety bourbon, was discovered in Brazil in 1937. Its tree is not as tall and shorter as bourbon. Due to inheriting the blood of bourbon, the resistance is relatively weak, but the yield is higher than that of bourbon. Although found in Brazil, Kaddura is not suitable for growing in Brazil, so it is not planted on a large scale in Brazil, but is popular in Central and South America, such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Kaddura is widely planted in Brazil.

Compared with these botanical characteristics, people may be more concerned about the taste of Kaddura. At the site where Kaddura is planted, the higher the altitude, the higher the quality, but the corresponding yield is also less. When Kaddura is slightly roasted, the sour aroma is obvious and the whole is bright, and the sweetness can be very good with proper treatment, but the mellowness of coffee is relatively low compared with bourbon, and the cleanliness of the taste is a little less.

Kaddura usually has red berries, but there are very few areas with yellow Kaddura, such as Hawaii, where there are very few yellow Kaddura.

Kaduai is an artificial hybrid of Kaddura and Mondu Novo. Kaduai has a good ability to resist natural disasters, especially wind and rain.

Kaduai tree species are relatively low, compared with other coffee trees, the fruit of Kaduai is stronger and harder to pick. The fruit is both red and yellow. So far, it has not been found that yellow fruit tastes better than red fruit. On the contrary, some people found in the cup test that although the coffee processed by some yellow fruits has good acidity, the cleanliness of the coffee taste is worse than that of the red fruit.

Kaduai was cultivated in Brazil and is now widely grown in Central America.

Factory name: Qianjie Cafe address: No. 10 Baoqian Street, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, contact: 38364473 ingredients Table: self-baking shelf life: 90 net content: 227g packaging: bulk taste: mellow coffee beans ripe degree: coffee cooked beans contain sugar: sugar-free origin: Colombian coffee types: Colombian coffee roasting degree: moderate roasting

Colombia Santa Rita Special Reserve

Country: Colombia

Producing area: Antioquia province

Altitude: 1600-2100 m

Treatment: washing

Santa Rita Manor is located in the Colombian province of Antioquia, located in a micro-producing area adjacent to the Andes. This high-quality coffee is made together by nine nearby farms. The nine farms still handle the coffee in the traditional way: picking coffee cherries by hand, then washing the coffee fruits with traditional water, and drying the treated coffee beans in a scaffolding. The environment around the Andes makes this coffee-growing area rich in volcanic soil and rich in water resources.

The main varieties of Colombian coffee are small grains of coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 m tall, usually much branched at base; old branches gray-white, nodes dilated, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide, apex long acuminate, acuminate part 10-15 mm long, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, rarely rounded, entire or shallowly wavy, both surfaces glabrous, lower vein axils with or without small pores; midrib raised on both surfaces of leaf, 7-13 on each side of lateral veins; petiole 8-15 mm long Stipules broadly triangular, arising from the tip of the upper part of the young branch conical or awn tip, the tip of the old branch is often protruding tip, 3-6 mm long. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, each with 2-5 flowers, without a total pedicel or with a very short peduncle; flowers fragrant, with pedicels 0.5-1 mm long; bracts base ±connate, dimorphic, 2 broadly triangular, nearly equal in length and width, the other 2 lanceolate, 2 times as long as wide, leaf-shaped; calyx tubular, 2.5-3 mm long, calyx eaves truncate or 5-denticulate. Corolla white, length varies from breed to breed, generally 10-18 mm long, apically often 5-lobed, rarely 4-or 6-lobed, lobes often longer than Corolla tube, tip often obtuse; anthers protruding from Corolla tube, 6-8 mm long; style 12-14 mm long, stigma 2-lobed, 3-4 mm long. Berries broadly elliptic, red, 12-16 mm long, 10-12 mm in diameter, exocarp dura, mesocarp fleshy, sweet at maturity; seeds raised abaxially, ventral flat, longitudinally grooved, 8-10 mm long and 5-7 mm in diam. Florescence from March to April

[Santa Rita, Colombia] (deeply baked in water)-sucrose, clean, medium thickness, Santa Rita Manor, located in Antioquia, Colombia, treats coffee in the traditional way: picking coffee cherries by hand. Then the coffee fruit is washed and dried in a scaffolding. The environment around the Andes makes this coffee-growing area have fertile volcanic soil and unique water resources.

Growing coffee also requires daylight and proper shade, which is most suitable for planting on fertile soil or volcanic ash soil. Therefore, the origin of coffee is widely distributed in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and Oceania. For example, Ethiopia and Tanzania in Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Costa rica in Central and South America, Vietnam and Indonesia in Southeast Asia are all major coffee producers in South America. Brazil accounts for 30-50% of the world's total output, while Colombia accounts for 10-20%.

Colombia Colombia

Population: 47073000

Colombia has well-defined growing areas and the impressive variety of coffee they produce. Whether you want round, heavy coffee, refreshing, fruit-flavored (or somewhere in between), Columbia beans are most likely. Colombia is divided by geographical location, and it is not difficult to find that the coffee there has many common characteristics. If you like coffee in one area, other areas will like it as well. Coffee trees get double cropping in Colombia, the second main harvest and harvest each year, which is called "mitaca" locally.


CAUCA Cauca, best known for its coffee cultivation around Inza and Meseta de Popayan in Popayan, provides favorable growth conditions at high altitudes on the plateau and near the equator and surrounding mountains, which protects coffee from Pacific humidity and southern trade winds. This creates a very stable climate all the year round. In addition, coffee in the area has significant volcanic soil. According to historical records, there is a single rainy season from October to December every year.

Altitude: 1700-2100m

Harvest: March-June (major crops), November-December (mitaca crops)


TOLIMA Tolima, one of the strongholds of Colombia's notorious rebel group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), until recently held control. Tolima has suffered from fighting in recent years, which makes the visit difficult. High-quality coffee from the region is grown by small farmers in very small areas and exported through cooperatives.

Altitude: 1200-1900m

Harvest: 3mer-June (main crop) crops October to December (mitaca)

Variety: 9% Typica 74% Catura 17% Castillo Villa


Some of Colombia's highest quality coffee is grown in Narinho, which is arguably the most amazing and complex. Growing coffee in many areas of these high elevations is a challenge, and coffee trees are likely to suffer from leaf blight. However, Narinho is close enough to the equator that the climate is suitable for planting coffee trees. Most of Narinho's 40,000 producers are small farmers, each with a planting area of less than 2 hectares (4.4 acres). Many people form groups and institutions to support each other and interact with FNC. In fact, the average size of the farm is less than 1 hectare (2.2 acres), and only 37 producers own more than 5 hectares (11 acres) of land in the area.

Altitude: 1500-2300 m (4900-7500ft)

Harvest: April-June Variety: 54% Typica, 29% CaturraMagol, 17% Castillo.


Wirat has an excellent combination of soil and geographical advantages for growing coffee, and some of the most complex and fruity Colombian coffees come from here. There are more than 70, 000 coffee growers in the area, covering more than 16000 hectares (39500 acres).

Altitude: 1250-2000m

Harvest: September to December (main crop) April to May (mitaca crop)