Coffee review

A variety [Pacamara] Pacamara derived from Arabica species

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A variety derived from Arabica [Pacamara] Pacamara professional barista communication please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Salvador Coffee Research Center with Pacas as the male parent and Maragogype cross to produce a huge dwarf variety, leaf tip green or bronze, appeared in El Salvador in the 1950s, with unique chocolate and citrus fruit

A variety [Pacamara] Pacamara derived from Arabica species

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Large dwarf fruit produced by the Salvadoran Coffee Research Center using Pacas as the male parent and Maragogype, with green or bronze leaves, appeared in El Salvador in the 1950s, with unique aromas of chocolate and citrus fruit, large beans, good cup taste, outstanding flavor, wonderful balance and floral aroma. The highest cup is produced from the highest altitude Pacamara that can be obtained. However, due to susceptibility to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode, the yield is medium, such as Caturra, mainly produced in El Salvador. The varieties are uneven and the generations vary greatly, and 10-12% of the offspring will turn back to Pacas.


Pacamara seed plant

Pacamara Pacamara


Citrus flower fragrant orange red variety

Purple red variety

Wash beans in the sun