Coffee review

A new scam specifically aimed at cafes! The majority of coffee shop colleagues, please be vigilant!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas exchange please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) vigilance! Attention, coffee colleagues! This is the latest scam! ! The story goes like this: at noon yesterday, a guest in our store who claimed to be introduced by an acquaintance to buy coffee beans came to ask about the coffee beans as soon as he entered the door. He said that he wanted to buy coffee beans within the company.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Watch out! Attention, coffee colleagues! This is the latest scam! !

Here's what happened:

At noon yesterday, a guest in our store who called himself "acquaintance introduction" came to buy coffee beans. As soon as he entered the door, he came to ask about coffee beans. He said that he wanted to buy coffee beans within the company and gave them to customers. He didn't know much about coffee, so we recommended hanging earbag coffee to him.

(deception process 1: introduction to "self-proclaimed acquaintances")

So, he made a "phone call", the other side said: need about 1000 hanging-ear coffee orders!

Then continue to ask about beans, he said to order 60 packs of beans, but their company does not have a coffee machine, continue to ask us where to buy coffee machine, how to use coffee machine to brew beans. (flaw: they said that the omnipotent Baidu could not find any coffee maker to sell! )

(deception process 2: large orders, break the psychological line of defense)

After a long chat, we continued to make phone calls. We wanted all the cash we had today. We first took some of them back to the company and asked us to count the amount immediately. In less than half an hour, he readily called "Finance" to withdraw money from the bank immediately to prepare a deposit plus spot payment of 7000 yuan in cash.

At that time, we asked for either Alipay or Wechat. He said it wasn't him who gave the money (now think about it, there are still large cash transactions).

When opening the deposit order, we asked him to leave a company name, a personal phone number or a Wechat. The person said, I asked our manager to contact you later and asked to leave the number of the coffee shop on the deposit slip. He didn't leave any contact information himself (the signature is so ugly, it is estimated that the name is also fake! )

(flaw in the scam: the company name left is only in English, not in Chinese, and does not leave us a phone number on Wechat.)

(fraudulent procedure 3: placing orders quickly without bargaining)

Five boxes of hanging ears are freshly baked and need to wait for an hour. it is already 12:30. We said you should have dinner and come back. He said you should wait in the cafe.

This is the hour in which our staff has been busy, has been busy, this person has been watching, does not play with mobile phones, but also took the opportunity to ask where there is a place to recharge, it is estimated that he saw more mobile phones on our desks.

In retrospect, the editor does not rule out that he still intends to steal the phone! )

Fortunately, we have been sticking to the office area, ~ ~ there is no way to steal a cell phone! )

We took stock, and this man said that he would help deliver it to their company downstairs, Zhonghua Square, and then went to their company to collect money, spot + deposit, the actual amount received 6910, he asked us to keep 90 yuan change, their financial staff did not have change.

The store monitor has filmed the whole transaction!

During the delivery period, this person has been answering the phone, intentionally or unintentionally revealed that the transaction amount of other goods is huge, which shows the strength of the company. And constantly complain to our staff that their boss is "stupid and rich", is obsessed with coffee, and talks with the intention of long-term cooperation. Later, when I think about it, it is to paralyze us and let us relax our guard! )

Our staff helped carry the goods to the lobby on the second floor of the office building of China Plaza. This person first said that the financial office was upstairs, and the goods would be placed separately later. Let our staff take the goods to wait in the lobby. He went up to collect the money first. Let nature take its course and asked us to give him the bill first, and then he went up with it and suddenly turned back about ten seconds later, saying that he had forgotten to withdraw 90 yuan in change. We didn't doubt him for a moment, so we gave him 90 yuan in change. Maybe we found that our change was not put with the bill, so we turned it back! )

And then wait.

. Half an hour.

. One hour.

. Two hours.

. The figure is gone.

Fortunately, the goods are here! ! Coffee beans are the lifeblood!

(deception procedure 4: get a small amount of money in a public place, walk away, and then. Then there is no such thing.)

Although there is no loss of goods, it is only 90 yuan!

But waste a lot of our manpower and material resources!

Time is money!

So, this person behaves very badly!

Suspicion is a new way to cheat in cafes!

Colleagues in coffee shops should pay attention!