Coffee review

Pay attention to art and life, create the five-dimensional space of life-yuan coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Exchange of professional baristas follow the coffee workshop (official account Wechat cafe_style) opposite the National Art Pavilion. A storefront inlaid with a large piece of glass in an old building has attracted me for a long time. Thinking of its existence in a rare leisurely afternoon, I decided to visit this special coffee shop. The first floor is a completely transparent dot shop, the staff shuttles through it, a small space.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Opposite the National Art Pavilion, a storefront inlaid with a large piece of glass in an old building attracted me for a long time. Thinking of its existence in a rare leisurely afternoon, I decided to visit this special coffee shop.

On the first floor is a completely transparent dot shop, where the staff shuttles around, with a panoramic view of the small space, selling handmade ice cream, nougat, pineapple cake and so on. The entrance of Yuansheng coffee is hidden in the rear of the shop. The soft light helps us to push open the thick door, along a small staircase, we go up to the storefront on the second floor, and the clerk kindly waits to take a seat at the entrance of the staircase. The shop is full of porcelain and all kinds of arts and crafts, with dark layout, which calms people's heart.

Yuansheng coffee actually means "dimensional rebirth". It creates the truest and best beauty for the five-dimensional space in life. Yuansheng pays attention to art, life and coffee.

A cup of sweet potato latte is served with crispy cookies, each mouthful is thick and mellow, quietly enjoy the light and peace specially designed by Yuansheng in this five-dimensional space, and quietly enjoy the cup of art in hand.

Yuan Coffee, where is it?

◆ Green Garden Road Store

No. 64, Lane 79, Section 1, Xiangshang Road, West District, Taichung City


Open 08:00-18:00

◆ gallery store ◆

No. 59, section 1, Wuquan west road, west district, Taichung


Open 13:00-22:00