Coffee review

These "dazzling""colored flowers" will make people want to order a drink immediately!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Breakfast is the most important meal, there are many people like to go to the coffee shop in the morning to order a cup of coffee, looking at the beautiful flowers above can start a good mood all day. Although the coffee liquid has white milk bubbles outlined delicate pull flowers very healing, thirty look used to ordinary pull flowers, want to come

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Breakfast is the most important meal, there are many people like to go to the coffee shop in the morning to order a cup of coffee, looking at the beautiful pull flowers can start a good mood all day.

Although the coffee liquid has white milk foam outline delicate pull flower is very healing, thirty look used to ordinary pull flower, want to point different?

Croatia has a coffee shop dedicated to the deployment of colorful pull flowers, so that every customer can shine, together to see how attractive colorful pull flowers are!

1. A cup is like a kaleidoscope. I want to rotate it. I can't bear to drink it.

2. Although this leaf is so beautiful, I really want to stir it up.

3 How was it painted?

4. With so many cups placed together, which cup should I drink first?

Nowadays, coffee shops, in addition to coffee and desserts, also need to have a good idea of decoration, of course, the most important thing is the coffee itself, ordinary pull flowers are easy to make, coffee and milk can be completed after the transfer, but such colorful pull flowers color, in addition to beauty, there may be some people have food pigment doubts.

It's not easy to balance beauty and health, but it's still something that makes people feel like, oh my god, this is art!

Xiao Bian also looked at it, but I want to know more about the making process of such a cup of coffee! How exactly is it colored? How is the pattern depicted?