Coffee review

Colombia Na Linglong Consa Kaplan Estate

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, About coffee planting area and harvest season in Colombia Columbian coffee planting is distributed along the Andes Mountains, from south to north, roughly divided into northern production area (green), central production area (orange, purple) and southern production area (yellow), of which orange purple area has two primary and secondary production seasons, green and yellow areas have one production season. Harvest season [varies by region

About coffee cultivation in Colombia

Planting area and harvest season

Columbus coffee cultivation is distributed along the Andes Mountains, from south to north, roughly divided into northern producing areas (green), central producing areas (orange, purple) and southern producing areas (yellow), in which orange-purple areas have primary and secondary production seasons. green and yellow areas have one season.

Harvest season [by region]

Due to the differences in geographical and climatic characteristics from north to south, the north-south production season is just opposite, while the central part has its own primary and secondary production seasons according to whether it is south or north. It can be said that beans are produced all the year round. We mainly distinguish regions according to winter production season and summer production season.

The winter season is from September to December, including the following areas

Magdalena Magdalena common items

Santander Santander

Antioquia Andi O'Quia common items

North of Santander North of Santander

Boyaca Boyaca

Meta Matta

The central region near the north will have two primary and secondary seasons, the main season is from September to December in winter, and the secondary season is between April and May in summer.

Caldas Caldas

Risaralada Salala da

Parts of Cundinamarca Quintina Maka have begun to emerge in the market.

Some areas of Quinido Jindio began to emerge in the market.

Common items of sub-ashes in some areas of Tolima Tolima

The central region near the south will have two primary and secondary seasons, the main season is from March to June in summer, and the secondary season is from October to November in winter.

Parts of Valle Waye began to emerge in the market.

Parts of Quindio Kingdeo

Cundinamarca Quintina Maka part of the area

Part of Tolima Tolima

The summer production season is from March to June, including the following areas

Part of Valle Waye

The bone ash grade of Cauca test is common.

Cundinamarca Quintina Maka part of the area

Huila Huila ashes grade is common.

Narino Na Linglong secondary bone ash grade is common

Note: the production season here refers to the stage of post-processing when the coffee fruit is ripe and harvested in the producing area. Usually 2-3 months after this stage, the beans of the real new production season will arrive at our consumption end.

Planting pattern: 95% of the growers are small farmers, and the family planting area is less than 5 hectares.

Production: the average annual output of small farmers' families is 25 bags, each bag 70kg specification

Planting altitude: 1000-2500 m

Annual precipitation: 1000-2500 mm

Average annual temperature: 15.8-20.5 degrees Celsius

Planting varieties: in addition to Kaddura Caturra, Bourbon Bourbon, Tippika Typica and Parkmara, which are common in America, Colombia also has three disease-resistant varieties peculiar to Colombia, namely Castillo Castillo and Tabi Tabi Colombian Colombia with the same name as the country. Of course, there are also some rare and valuable varieties such as Rosa Gesha, small-grained Mocha Mocca, Rume Sudan Romer Sultan, Eugenioides Eugene Odes, Laurina pointed Bourbon, Maraguesa Mara Rosa (a natural hybrid between Malaggippe and Rosa).

Shade trees: the shade trees seen in the producing areas are lemon trees and orange trees. the lemons in their lemon trees are very similar to oranges, but they taste very sour, and there is a local way to eat them with a strong liquor, just like drinking cocktails. It tastes good.

Production season: affected by the topography of the Andes, Colombia is divided into three regions from south to north, northern, central, and southern; the northern part of the south has a distinct production season, and the central part has two primary and secondary seasons according to the north or the south, respectively. there's information behind it.

Treatment methods: water washing is the main way, and now there are sun and honey treatment methods; in water washing methods, most of the conventional fermentation processes are anhydrous fermentation Dry Fermentation, open environment; now there are some processes that introduce red wine treatment into coffee treatment to do anaerobic and oxygen-controlled fermentation treatment.

Drying: after drying, there are greenhouse Green House (not as big as the vegetable growing greenhouse in our countryside, think about the size of the balcony sunshine room), drying field Patio (an open space on the cement floor, recently seen wooden floor), dryer (many small farmers have this at home)

Columbia Yana exquisite Consacapoland Manor

Country of origin: Colombia

Producing area: Naling Longkangsaka Consaca, Narino

Manor / processing plant: El Plan

Grower: Maria Ernestina

Variety: Castillo Castillo

Altitude: 1689 m masl

Planting area: 3 ha has

Treatment: washing Ecomill Washed, Natural Fermentation, Sun Dried

(most of the pectin is removed by the degumming machine, then the residual pectin is decomposed by natural static fermentation, then washed with clean water, and then dried naturally)

Harvest year: June 2016

Auction lot number: HQT

Submission volume of competitive bid: 288kgs

Award: best Special Flavor nomination Best Extoicness Nomination

Density: 921 g Compact l

Moisture content: 11.5%

Baking degree: mild to moderate light to medium (Color Track 59-60)

Flavor characteristics: as refreshing as orange juice, sweet sucrose, smooth taste

Orange juice-like acidity, cane sugar sweet, smooth