Coffee review

Application and examination of registration required for coffee shop opening

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is necessary to complete the relevant registration application and pass various reviews before opening. Although the current business registration system of Taiwan regulations does not require long working days, if you need to pass the examination of other relevant units after registration, you may have to wait for some time, in order to catch up with the default opening date, please allow sufficient time in preparation. As for the current laws and regulations on company or business registration in Taiwan,

It is necessary to complete the relevant registration application and pass various reviews before opening. Although the current business registration system of Taiwan regulations does not require long working days, if you need to pass the examination of other relevant units after registration, you may have to wait for some time, in order to catch up with the default opening date, please allow sufficient time in preparation.

As for the current laws and regulations on company or business registration in Taiwan, the system of separation of registration and management is adopted. The company organizes to register the company in accordance with the Company Law; after the sole proprietorship or partnership business is registered in accordance with the Business Registration Law, it can do business through tax registration with the local national tax collection authority. However, in accordance with other relevant laws and regulations, and at the same time, it is still necessary to consider the situation of the business premises, and other competent authorities such as self-planning, construction management, fire control, health and other competent authorities shall conduct relevant reviews. And join the trade association in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Business Organization Law within one month after the commencement of business.

a. Pre-survey of shop land

Please check in advance with the competent authority of urban planning or construction management to see if the location of the store you want to use in the future can carry out relevant business registration.

Relevant data can be found at the following website:

-Urban Planning Land Urban Planning query system

Http:// §ionid=&task1=& option=com_cityplan

-Geographic information query system for non-urban planning land regional planning


-National Building Management Information system


-Department of Lands, Ministry of the Interior


b. Company or business registration

Before opening business, the name of the firm, business, capital, location and other data shall be registered with the competent authority. The competent authority is the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the central government, the municipal government in the municipality directly under the Central Government, and the county (city) government in the county (city). The governments of municipalities and counties (cities) directly under the Central Government may, when necessary, report to the Ministry of Economic Affairs for approval and appoint or entrust district, township (town, city, district) public offices or commercial associations of municipalities or counties (cities) directly under the Central Government to handle part of the business of this Law.

As for the above-mentioned matters to be registered, the competent authority of the place where the business is located may send personnel to conduct spot checks at any time, so please confirm the registration in accordance with the business to be carried out.

Relevant data can be found at the following website:


c. Tax registration

In Taiwan, when entrepreneurs complete the above registration, they must finally apply for tax registration with the IRS. Generally speaking, as long as there is a business activity, tax registration is required, that is, the so-called camp

After business registration, housing tax and land price tax will be transferred to the calculation method for business use.

However, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Finance, those whose monthly sales do not reach the IRS threshold (monthly labor sales of less than 40,000 yuan or goods sales of less than 80,000 yuan) can be temporarily exempted from registration with the IRS, that is, the problem of not paying business tax and operating income tax, but the business person needs to incorporate the sales income into the declaration of comprehensive income tax.

If the monthly sales of labor services exceed 40,000 yuan or the sales of goods exceed 80,000 yuan but less than 200000 yuan, the IRS shall issue the order quarterly (before the end of January, April, July and October of each year) at the sales rate of 1%.

Levy. If the monthly sales exceed 200000 yuan, the IRS will approve the use of uniform invoices at a tax rate of 5%, but the relevant input tax can be deducted, and such business owners are required to declare to the IRS once every two months and pay their own taxes.

The data can be found at the following website:

d. Fire safety check

Even after the completion of the relevant registration, the fire safety equipment of the business premises must still comply with the provisions of the Fire Law. When the local fire engine receives a copy of the business registration approval letter from the competent authority of the place where the business is located, it will send personnel to check the fire safety matters of the business place. If it does not comply with the relevant provisions of the Fire Law, it will be punished in accordance with the law. So please pass the relevant security check before opening.

Relevant data can be found at the following website:

Fire Department of the Ministry of the Interior


This article is excerpted from the book "successful opening of popular Cafe (best-selling revised edition)", created my Dream Cafe editorial, translated by Zheng Xiaolan, published by savages.