Coffee review

With one hand in the waist to make coffee, the Japanese coffee uncle, who is under the care of Chengtian, said, "this is only handsome!" "

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Exchange of professional baristas Please pay attention to the coffee shop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand brewing coffee is popular, seemingly simple action, but in this water filling between 60 to 90 seconds, each barista has his own mind and practices, such as this coffee talent from Kyoto, Japan, under the Japanese coffee godfather Taguchi, insisted on inserting one hand into the waist and filling the other.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hand-brewing coffee is popular, seemingly simple movements, but in the 60 to 90 seconds of water injection, each barista has his own mind and methods, such as this coffee expert from Kyoto, Japan, who learned from Japanese coffee godfather Taguchi. He insisted that he must insert his waist with one hand and inject water with the other.

The coffee uncle with a moustache was quite different. He left the third-generation heir seat in a well-known Kyoto bakery and went to learn to bake beans and make coffee. When he made coffee, he looked attentive and meticulous, but after changing his uniform, he was a super cute Ogisang who loved Disney and could play 13 rides and 2 parades at Tokyo Disneyland on Christmas Day. It's amazing if the average person can play five to eight facilities a day at Tokyo Disneyland.


▲ holds the pot in one hand and the other in the waist, which is the standard position for Mr. Sumi to brew coffee with his hand.

The uncle's name is Yoshiya Sumi, who is the third generation to enter a bakery in Kyoto for a century. In fact, he has also seriously learned how to make bread and how to open a shop, but his master said, "I don't think you are suitable for making bread. Maybe it's more suitable for coffee. "as a result, he changed his career to study coffee, and went to worship the godfather of Japanese Coffee and the founder of Tokyo Baja Coffee, Taguchi. This move is one-handed waist-to-waist coffee making, which is Master Taguchi's signature move.

Uncle Sumi said with a smile that when he made coffee in his hand, he filled the pot with water in one hand and stuck the other in his waist. "this is handsome!" When making coffee, it is very important to use posture and attitude to make guests feel handsome and then feel that this cup of coffee is very delicious. "he said modestly that the coffee he brewed might be only 80 cents per cup, but because from the time he was ready to make coffee, it made the guests think that this cup of coffee looked very delicious." the last cup of coffee will have 90 points. "


▲ 's cautious attitude and attentive expression in the face of coffee really makes people think that this cup of coffee must be great.

Uncle is really modest, in fact, his request for his own coffee is definitely more than 80 points. Starting with the selection of beans, they do not buy good goods; after the raw beans are imported, they have to go through two "interviews": once, before baking, the raw beans with damaged appearance and the wrong color are shaved off, and then after baking, pick out the beans with different colors and incomplete colors again. With such careful treatment of coffee beans, it is no wonder that Mr. Sumi said confidently, "if you open any bag of coffee beans in our house, the absolute color is the same, and each one is complete." "

When making coffee, Mr. Sumi is equally rigorous. He just said that the waist with one hand is very handsome. In fact, it is his humorous statement to make the public closer to coffee. The real intention is to keep the posture upright and the center of gravity stable. So you can pay more attention to water injection and observe the changes of coffee powder. Mr. Sumi's hand flushing method is to use 86 degrees of hot water, divided into three times of water, the ratio of coffee powder to water is about 18 grams 250cc. The technique is slightly different from that of Taguchi, a teacher. "in the 14 years since I opened a coffee shop, I feel like I'm starting to get out of my way recently. "

During the demonstration at the Fika Fika Cafe Sunshine Store in Taipei that day, Mr. Sumi repeatedly stressed that because he was not using the coffee props he was used to, the taste would not be the same as that in his store. In fact, making coffee in this exchange meeting was just a demonstration, and no one present really drank the cup of coffee he had brewed out, but he explained it carefully twice, showing the spirit that the staff would never be careless.


Mr. ▲ 's usual kettle is a crane-billed kettle with a trapezoidal filter cup. (photo courtesy of DoMo Coffee House)

To him, a good cup of coffee should be clear, without any miscellaneous or turbid smell. Therefore, there must not be any defects when baking beans, and they must be quiet and stable when cooking. Whether it is baking or brewing, good coffee beans, good machines, good theory and good technology are all very important.

It's easy to take a picture of coffee on your cell phone, but that's not what I want.

Coffee is compared to "taking pictures." he says that in order to take a good picture, it is necessary to have the right aperture, speed, and good composition. If the photographer uses a professional monocular camera, he can adjust the machine to take the picture he wants. "now a lot of people take pictures with smart phones, they can easily take pictures, and they can share them quickly through the Internet. This is also very interesting, and there's nothing wrong with it, but that's not what I want to pursue. "

Mr. Sumi further explained, "because I am a professional and will only present the best coffee to my guests, I will spend all my time learning the truth and theory of coffee." Maybe this is not the current trend of coffee, but I don't want to follow it. "

Because of this belief and persistence, it is no wonder that caffe Verdi, which opened near the Yakuya Shrine in Kyoto in 2003, was selected by Japanese food magazine as the No. 1 coffee shop in Kyoto. However, the uncle obviously knows that disobedience comes at a price. "the shops that use my coffee beans are all high-end restaurants and restaurants, and I'm afraid it's not a place that young people will go, and the price of coffee in my shop is high. Young people may not be interested. However, university professors and artists like my coffee very much, which means my coffee should be good, right? "


Simu Yi, two heavyweight coffee giants from ▲ Day and Taiwan, had a rare conversation with Chen Zhihuang (left) at Fika FikaCafe Sunshine Store on July 31, 2017.

The name of this day's event is "Cross-sea conversation and practical Exchange between the two Bean bakers in Taiwan and Japan." Chen Zhihuang James, the boss of Fika Fika and also the winner of the Nordic Bean Baking Competition, and Sumi Yoshiya from Kyoto, Japan, talked freely about their coffee ideas and practices. The two masters worked together to supply the store's coffee beans under the leadership of Wang Shiyu, a coffee consultant at DoMo Caf é in Tokyo. While hosting this conversation, Wang Shiyu asked a very interesting question: if Mr. Sumi wants to open a coffee shop in Taiwan, what kind of shop would she like to open?

"it could be a store without a menu. "I will ask the guest directly, one-on-one, what kind of coffee he wants, and then pick out what he will like from the 30 kinds of beans I bake myself, and make a cup of coffee tailored for him, just like a suit," Mr. Sumi said. "

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DoMo Caf é of ▲ Tokyo has brought Taiwan's boutique coffee culture to Japan, which has attracted the attention of local coffee fans. (photo courtesy of DoMo Coffee House)

About DoMo Caf é

DoMo Cafe, which opened in Tokyo in July this year, is located on the ground floor of the Minpo (residential) hundred people Hall, which opened at the same time. It is the first new brand coffee shop in Tokyo that combines the coffee culture of Taiwan and Japan, using boutique coffee beans from caffe Verdi of Japan and Fika FikaCafe of Taiwan, and the operation consultant is Wang Shiyu, a famous barista from Taiwan.

Address: 1-15-29 basement, Baoren-cho, Shinjuku district, Tokyo, japan