Coffee review

Ethiopia Yejasuefei KOKE Coop Coco Cooperative introduces the description of Yega flavor of water washing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Ethiopia Yegasuefei KOKE Coop Coco Cooperative in Ethiopia water washing beans will add G1 and G2 after the name to make a distinction (G1 is better), immediately remove the peel and pulp after the coffee cherry harvest, and then put the coffee beans into the water to ferment to remove the pectin layer, this process requires

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ethiopia Yega Sheffield KOKE Coop Coco Cooperative

In Ethiopia, water-washed beans will be distinguished by adding G1 and G2 after the name (G1 is of better quality). The peel and pulp of coffee cherries will be removed immediately after harvest, and then the coffee beans will be fermented in water to remove the pectin layer. this process takes several hours, and this process must be closely understood that if there is a slight mistake, the coffee beans will have a poor flavor, and after fermentation is completed. The coffee beans will thoroughly remove the pectin layer through a long sink with a high and low drop, and any defective beans and foreign bodies will also be removed during the process. after that, the coffee beans will be dried on the drying bed, which also needs to be paid close attention to. Turn every few hours to ensure the integrity of the drying process. This is the whole process of washing beans.

The Ethiopian KOKE Cococo Cooperative, on a plateau 2300 meters above sea level northwest of the city of Yegashefi, is a member of the Yegashefi United Cooperative (YCFCU). It was founded in 1975 and has about 830 members, all of whom grow coffee beans on 4 hectares of land. it is a cooperative based on a coffee competition, with sufficient electricity for all kinds of production equipment and venues. Get a high score of 92 points from johnson brothers coffee (Johnson Brothers), a well-known coffee evaluation network.

Property Characteristics: farm characteristics

Name name: KOKE Coop Coco Cooperative

Region producing area: Dilla area, central area of Located in the district of Yirgacheffe Yega Sheffei

Country countries: Ethiopia Ethiopia

Grade level: G2

Altitude: over 1750-2300 meters

Harvest period harvest time: October of each year to February of the following year

Certification certification: all coffee without certification is non-toxic and organic.

Soil Type soil properties: PH5.2-6.2red brown laterite

Certification Certification: Fair Trade Fair Trade Association Green Purchasing

Coffee Characteristics: coffee characteristics

Variety variety: heirloom cultivars traditional native species of Yega

Processing System treatment method: Fully washed washing method

Appearance appearance: 16-18 mesh