Coffee review

Ethiopian Coffee Manor-you don't know "Yega Xuefei"!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) you do not know Yega Xuefei! You know, where is the place name of Yega Xuefei? First of all, let's take a look at the old saying that Yega Yirga means to settle down, Cheffe is a wetland, so Yega Xuefei means let's settle down in this wetland. Yega Xuefei Yirgacheffe is located in Africa

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

You don't know "Yega Xuefei"!

Where do you know the place name of "Yega Xuefei"?

Let's first take a look at the meaning of the ancient saying.

"Yega" Yirga is "settling"

"Xuefei" Cheffe is "wetland"

So "Yega Xuefei" means "Let's settle down in this wetland!"

Yega Xuefei Yirgacheffe

Located in the Sidamo province of Ethiopia, Africa, with good mountains and good water at an altitude of 5000 Murray 6000 feet above sea level

Originally part of the Sidamo producing area, but because of its unique citrus flavor and jasmine scent

Farmers in producing areas are proud of each other, so they are independent as a single producing area.

High-quality high-quality coffee comes from coffee farmers' insistence on coffee fruits.

Farmers usually harvest directly in wild coffee forests (unique to Ethiopia) or

Mixed with other crops in your own backyard, it is a typical pastoral coffee.

Compared with the deliberate emphasis on organic cultivation, it seems more natural.

Several friends asked, how can Yega Xuefei's beans change so quickly?

Is there really a difference between different Yega Xuefei?

What's the difference between washing and tanning?

What's the difference between washing Yega Chuefei and sunbathing Yega Chefe?

A friend likes Yega Xuefei washed very much, whether it's [Hoffa] or [Biloya].

But she dared not touch [Gu Ji Sunshine]. When she recommended her friend to order a box of [Biloya]

We gave a bag of Gu Ji Sunshine for reference, but from then on her friend fell in love with Gu Ji Sunshine.

It's the same Yejia Xuefei, but it's all different!

The so-called typical Yega Chuefei flavor is "citrus citric acid, jasmine", which belongs to the sour fragrance of flowers and fruits.

Different "treatment methods" lead to different flavors.

[washing treatment] is the most common treatment of Yega Xuefei.

The peel, pulp and defective beans of coffee were completely removed by water treatment.

Then dry the beans so that you can get a clean and bright flavor.

[sun treatment] the whole fruit is dried directly.

Then the peel and pulp are removed by machine, because the exposure process is mixed with pulp fermentation.

So it smells like wild wine.

Which treatment has a higher failure rate?

Because the condition of the seeds can not be seen during the sun treatment.

It is easy to ferment too much, leading to a sour taste.

Therefore, good sun beans are even more commendable!

Okay, wash Yega Xuefei. If it's fruit tea.

The successful sunburn Yega Chuefei is the fruit wine.

Do you prefer tea or wine? It depends on your personal preferences.

But don't worry, that little alcohol has evaporated in the baking process!

Which cooperative do you like? Yega Xuefei.

Friends who like Yega Xuefei!

You also need to know what you like-- [which cooperative] is produced?

Yegashafi is the highest coffee-producing area in Ethiopia and originally belonged to the Sidamo region.

Later, because the flavor was so special, it became independent from the Sidamo region.

Generally speaking, Yega Xuefei, which is common in the market, belongs to

[Ethiopian Coffee Exchange] graded beans from producing areas

Is to mix beans from farmers in the producing areas.

Then classify and sell according to the appearance and size.

The other is the fine beans produced by independent cooperatives.

Such products are often because cooperatives pay attention to self-brand management.

The flavor is better and the quality is stable

It can even meet the certification of fair trade and organic planting.

Such as [Hofsa], [Biloya], [Guji Sunshine]. .. And so on.

And our newly introduced [Auromia] are all such co-operatives.

So friends who like [Yejia Xuefei] should also remember which cooperative produced it.