Coffee review

How should Japanese style Cafe be positioned? introduction to the list of Japanese Literary Coffee items

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) A good cup of coffee can make people happy. At present, the most popular cafes in Taiwan are Italian-style cafes. In the past, traditional cafes focused on Japanese-style coffee. Because different consumers have different ways of making coffee, the overall style will be different.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A good cup of coffee can make people feel happy. At present, the most popular cafes in Taiwan are Italian-style cafes. In the past, traditional cafes focused on Japanese-style coffee. Because different consumers have different ways of making coffee, the overall style will be different. If the coffee drinking culture is presented in the way of brewing coffee, it can be divided into three types of cafes: Japanese style, Italian style and American style. Let's be happy now.

Because of geography, Taiwan's coffee culture is greatly influenced by Japanese coffee consumption habits, and in the early days, some traditional cafes mostly took this as the mainstream.

Japanese coffee is made by hand brewing. Generally, handmade coffee is mainly made by siphon plug kettle, mocha pot and follicular brewing, and because manual brewing coffee can faithfully present the different personalities of different coffee beans, for coffee lovers who like to enjoy coffee brewing technology and atmosphere, Japanese cafes are definitely your best choice.

In Japanese-style cafes, most of them take single-product coffee as the mainstream, and almost all the items are familiar to fans, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, Mantenin Coffee, Java Coffee, Brazilian Coffee, Moca Coffee and so on. Japanese-style cafes are good at showing strong and pure original coffee with different characteristics of individual coffee beans, or comprehensive coffee made from more than two kinds of single coffee showing different flavors.

Generally speaking, consumers who like this kind of simple Japanese coffee are mainly middle-and high-age coffee gluttons. in the past decade, Taiwan's coffee culture has almost dominated by this kind of Japanese coffee, but in fact, there have been considerable changes in the past decade. the biggest change is the invasion of Italian coffee shops, making it more and more difficult for Japanese coffee shops to survive.