Coffee review

How many calories are in Starbucks coffee common menus! Starbucks drink selection

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks coffee is espresso based coffee that is popular in China and everywhere. Sweet drinks are a good reward for a variety of occasions, such as work and study breathing, rest shopping. But calories suddenly became a concern. I worry about calories, I don't think many people like Starba. Starbucks with high calorie menu images. Actually, yes.


Starbucks Coffee is a coffee based on espresso, which is very popular in China and all over the country. On various occasions, such as work and study breathing, the sweet drink of rest and shopping is a good reward.

But calories suddenly become a concern. I'm worried about calories. I don't think many people like Staples.

Starbucks with high-calorie menu images. Actually, there are a lot of low-calorie menus. We will introduce you to enjoy Starbucks as well as diet and sugar suppression menus among women.

Ranking of low-calorie drinks

This is an introduction to the "low calorie" menu you want to know.

[No. 5] Coffee haze is hot for 15 yuan.

Pour Starbucks steamed milk into the recommended dripping coffee and put farm milk on top. This is a relaxed and gentle coffee.

Milk 86 calories

Low fat type 68 kcal

Fat-free milk 50 kilocalorie

Soy milk 83 calories

[No. 4] cappuccino is popular for 16 yuan.

This is a rich drink poured with milk Starbucks blown espresso and delicately topped milk.

Moreover, the number of calories involved is also 76 kcal lower.

76 calories of milk

Low fat 60 kcal

Fat-free milk 44 calories

Soy milk 74 calories

[third place] 30 yuan for dripping coffee series

This is a Starbucks classic menu that uses high quality Arabica coffee beans. This is a low-calorie, low-calorie coffee, and you can drink your favorite roasted cup.

In addition, you can change the caf é mosaic (coffee) so that people who care about caffeine can relax.

Dripping coffee hot 10Kcal

Drop coffee ice 9Kcal

Dripping Coffee (Decafe / Caffeinres) Hot 15 calories

Drip irrigated coffee (decafe / caffeiness) ice 18 calories

[second place] 24 yuan for the espresso solo series

5 calories of espresso

Starbucks espresso is a rich taste and low-calorie menu.

Espresso Machiato 19Kcal

Coffee coincides with the sweetness of milk and the bitterness of espresso with foamed milk in espresso.

Espresso comparator 34Kcal

This is a strong

Coffee with cream and dessert coffee. Even if it is fresh cream, it is as low as 34 kcal.

Amelicano Cafe Ice Hot 5Kcal25 Yuan

I pour hot water into espresso. It's a good cup of coffee.

Especially if you are not good at espresso, you can drink it cleanly.

[first place] Tea series warm-up 28 yuan ~ ice short 28 yuan

Starbucks tea series, you can enjoy a variety of flavors, from the classic English breakfast to herbal tea. All the important calories are "zero".