Coffee review

Even bulletproof coffee can be made at home so as to reduce the harm of bulletproof coffee!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) popular in Europe and the United States, more Hollywood celebrities flock to the bulletproof coffee Bulletproof coffee, in China, although people are not familiar with, but in the past few years, you may have heard of it, but did not in-depth research, you may be like me, it is still

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Bulletproof coffee Bulletproof coffee, which is popular in Europe and America and is popular among Hollywood celebrities, is not familiar to people in China, but in the past few years, you may have heard of it, but you may not have studied it in depth. You may be as confused about it as I am, so join me now to understand this new popular motto-"bulletproof coffee Bulletproof Coffee"!

It is said that bulletproof coffee "clears the mind and improves vitality" can also eliminate fatty liver and lose weight; it can continuously provide energy, prevent hunger, and effectively promote fat burning. And I heard that long-distance running circles have been very popular to drink this in recent years. "Jack is amazing"!

But what exactly is bulletproof coffee?!

Bulletproof coffee can not only replenish energy but also lose weight. Let's take a look at its five benefits.

➊ butter (commonly known as cream) and coconut oil are rich in fat, which can be converted by caffeine to release more energy and make people energetic.

➋ can promote the activity of the brain, body and mind, and make your mind more agile.

The special fatty acids in ➌ butter can eliminate inflammation, while the addition of coconut oil can accelerate fat burning in the body.

➍ regulates cholesterol, weakens the body's craving for food, and increases metabolism by 5%

➎ burns at least 120 extra calories a day, equivalent to the amount of calories consumed by walking for half an hour

How to make a bulletproof coffee?

Prepare a cup of hot black coffee, then add 1-2 tablespoons of unsalted cream (please choose grass cream for health), then add 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil and stir well (preferably with a blender for 20-30 seconds to complete a smooth, dense, invincible bulletproof coffee.

Note: the formula for 'bulletproof coffee' is as follows: low-mold coffee beans, at least two tablespoons of salt-free "grass feed cream" (refers to not using corn or wheat as feed, but using only milk made from forage grass. (netizens recommend New Zealand's Anjia cream, or European and American Kinkeley salt-free cream, rich in Gal-3 fatty acids and vitamins Grass feed cream is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which has a great effect on reducing cholesterol and fat in the human body, and can be effectively absorbed to achieve a slimming effect). 1 Murray 2 tablespoons medium-chain triglyceride oil (English abbreviation MCT, this is a digestible fat), can be replaced by coconut oil.

American Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Dave Asprey, the inventor of bulletproof coffee, recommends that people give up breakfast and drink coffee with more than 460 calories. He says bulletproof coffee can curb hunger, lose weight and improve cognitive ability. In 2004, Espre was shocked by its effect when he first drank butter crisp tea in Xizang. "after drinking it, I felt energetic and the mountain sickness disappeared. I realized: there is definitely a secret that makes people feel good. " He recalled

Bulletproof Coffee (Bulletproof Coffee) ─ this 460-calorie blend of black coffee, cream and coconut oil tastes dense and can also bring up to 6 hours of energy, best concentration and vitality.

Coffee picture. The process of png "bulletproof coffee": as we all know Dave Dave Asprey's "bulletproof Coffee" was discovered accidentally in 2004 when Xizang drank crispy tea. After years of repeated experiments and adjustments, he first published the message and production method of "bulletproof Coffee" on his website in 2009. In December 2014, the first physical store + coffee shop opened in the first season of 2015.

The drinking method of bulletproof Coffee

The medium-chain fatty acids (C8, MCT, coconut oil) in bulletproof coffee simply decompose to produce Ketone, which provides energy directly to the body, especially to brain cells. On the contrary, long-chain fatty acids have to go through a complicated decomposition process in order to use energy, which is a big burden on the liver!

Drinking a cup of bulletproof coffee on an empty stomach in the morning can relieve hunger and prevent the body from misjudging that it is in a state of famine and secrete large amounts of cortisol to store fat desperately.

The medium-chain fatty acids (C8, MCT, coconut oil) in bulletproof coffee can produce a large number of ketones, among which the yield of ketones is C8 > MCT > coconut oil. Although coconut oil produces the least ketones, it is not prone to hunger.

C8 affects ghrelin (ghrelin) and cholecystokinin (CCK), turning off hunger for hours.

Bulletproof coffee can continue the fat burning of the night before because it contains no sugar and does not raise insulin, thus shutting down fat burning. Therefore, bulletproof coffee can only be drunk on an empty stomach, not only with other foods, but also with residual food in the intestines and stomach, because the burning of fat will be interrupted as long as sugars or proteins appear.

"if you do not take a full-day fasting, only drink bulletproof coffee in the morning, lunch and dinner as usual, then it is necessary to control the oil intake of bulletproof coffee in the morning, not too much, and make sure that the oil of bulletproof coffee has been consumed before lunch. It will not be stored together because of the rise in insulin caused by meals. Similarly, if you drink bulletproof coffee at other times, stay away from mealtimes and make sure there is no undigested bulletproof coffee.

Dave Dave Asprey published bulletproof Diet in 2014