Coffee review

Open a coffee shop (5)

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Opening a coffee shop (5) has said so much; if I have broken your dream of opening a coffee shop, if I have made you afraid of opening a coffee shop, then I would like to congratulate you, because it means that you have seriously thought about it. I know I don't want to open a coffee shop! Knowing that it is not easy to open a coffee shop! There is a difference between what you want and what you really want. But don't take me for granted.

Open a coffee shop (5)

I have said so much; if I have broken your dream of opening a coffee shop, if I have made you afraid of opening a coffee shop, then I would like to congratulate you, because it means that you have seriously thought about it and know that you do not want to open a coffee shop! Knowing that it is not easy to open a coffee shop! There is a difference between what you want and what you really want. But do not think that I am damaging your confidence, do not think that I am preventing you from opening a coffee shop, do not think that I am talking! As a matter of fact, I am encouraging you to open a coffee shop! If I hadn't encouraged you to open a coffee shop, why would I have spent so much energy and effort to write these stories? I just want you to think about it and think about "Why do I want to open a coffee shop?"

We are going to open a coffee shop!

One day, a guest suddenly told me that he had been in the store for more than ten years. He is 26 years old this year, and his Chinese career has come.

A guest came to have coffee with her husband a few days ago with little baby. She said that she had been here for five or six years since she was in high school.

A high school girl said that she used to be no more than 16-7 years old. I used to come with my father when I was a kid.

When a guest and his wife came to take wedding photos, they recently showed up in a little baby month.

A guest in Germany must pay homage to the doctor who comes back every year.

He is not allowed to go to the Internet or stay outside. He is only allowed to come to my store to read, write reports and meetings. He has been admitted to the doctoral program since his freshman year.

There was a retired old man who often came with his friends or came by himself. He said that he had visited at least three times in another coffee shop. He finally stopped, sat down, and the tea was served. He didn't feel very comfortable. So he walked out and came to my shop. His friend laughed and said that only in your shop could he sit comfortably.

A guest said that every time he wanted a cup of coffee, the waiter would go to my shop on his own initiative.

One guest worked in Chiufen for more than ten years, and one good year he made coffee in Chiufen Coffee. One day, a guest told him that if you wanted to drink coffee, you must go to this restaurant, so he became my guest.

A guest called his friend in the store to ask him to have coffee. The phone got through and he said, "where are you?" the same sound came from the front seat when "I'm in Coffee" came from the other end of the phone. As a result, everyone stood up at the same time, staring at each other and laughing. They were only across the table.

A friend of my father's father said to his husband, "my friend's son owns a coffee shop near your house, and the coffee is very bad." he said, "that one! I've been drinking for ten years.

Many of my guests come to my store from high school, college or society to have a meeting, watch, chat, talk about what's on their mind, and then fight, leave the army, find a job, get a job, marry and have a child ──. Some of these people come into the sky, some of them come 3-4 times a month, and some suddenly don't see it again after years. A girl who married to Germany came back to Taiwan ten years later and found that we were still open. She said gracefully that I missed your caffeine most.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of situation this is? Some people pour their own water when they come, find their own seats, and greet their friends by themselves. When they leave, they will put away the cup, then give it to you, say goodbye to you, and then say goodbye to you! When you go to any coffee shop to leave, will you say hello to him? Will you tell him to talk again?

Are they just guests? Sometimes I will ask them, if I am still making coffee in my 70s, will you come? There is no exception to say "maybe it will come"! I still have 30 years to go. Think about it. What will it be like when he comes to have coffee in 30 years' time? Half a lifetime! Come to think of it, you have a half-world relationship with a coffee shop you like. What do you think of this shop?

People really think about it! Mindfulness is a kind of fixation, and it will be fixed because of your presence. Because you are making noodles, you have the meaning of existence! What does a world without you mean to you? I just watched the movie.

Think about it: if you haven't attended NTU, NTU is nothing more than a famous university to you, but if you are a graduate student of NTU, will any interest related to NTU attract your attention? It's not just NTU, is it? All the companies you've been in, the places you've been, and the people you've met, you've heard back more or less, haven't you?

If there is a coffee shop that accompanies you from your old age to your old age, he joins you in sorrow, and he records your monthly growth, what do you think of this shop?

Over the past ten years, I have gradually realized the meaning of coffee coffee! He is not only the third place to go besides home and company, but to buy coffee bars for many people is a connection in the month of life. And these people are also connected with you who open a coffee shop! The people in the coffee shop are also connected because of you. This connection is not because of love, but because of feelings! Because he injected feelings for your store, he injected feelings for you, so their records include you and your coffee bar! You and your coffee bar are, to some extent, their most important support, the most important spiritual support! I suddenly know why there are so many old coffee bars, why some people open a coffee shop, why some people want to work in coffee bars for a while, and why coffee bars can be passed on to the next generation.

Why? Because you and your guests depend on each other through your coffee bar!

Many people open coffee bars because they regard coffee as a business, and they invest their time, money and money for the limited money. He thinks that the most valuable thing is the gold! He has devised a lot of tricks to promote and advertise money, and their achievements come from a lot of votes!

Are you in the same place? If you feel the same way, I really want to ask you to stop thinking about opening a coffee shop! No one will ever be grateful to the people who want to dig the money out of his pocket. At best, he just doesn't think that you are just providing equivalent services! If your coffee costs 100 yuan, then your shop is only worth 100 yuan! Sometimes you will find that many coffee shops are not worth it.