Coffee review

About Kona, Hawaii

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Open the world coffee map, across the Tropic of Cancer coffee belt large and small coffee producing areas such as the night dots distributed in the vast land of Asia, Africa and America. In the world of coffee, there is no shortage of stars that shine all the year round. Whenever we look up at the stars, we can always see them. In the world of coffee, there is also a meteor falling extraordinarily beautiful, short but bright

Open the world coffee map, across the Tropic of Cancer coffee belt large and small coffee producing areas such as the night dots distributed in the vast land of Asia, Africa and America. In the world of coffee, there is no shortage of stars that shine all the year round. Whenever we look up at the stars, we can always see them. In the world of coffee, there is also a meteor-like extraordinary beauty, short but bright-it is a tiny coffee island scattered occasionally in the coffee belt, and there are only a handful of such meteors, and Kona is undoubtedly the most dazzling one.

Hawaii has long been known to many people as a travel paradise. This group of 132 islands may be an ornament accidentally left by the Creator in the Pacific Ocean, and the Big Island is the brightest and largest pearl on this ornament. Here once came King Kamehameha, the unifier of the Hawaiian dynasty, Xiyi, the world's wettest city, the magnificent volcanic eruption can be seen in the volcanic park, and here, it is also the hometown of Kona Coffee, where the meteor landed on the coffee belt.

Kona coffee is distributed in the south and north of the Kona region, where several active volcanoes, such as Monakoya, are located in the western part of the island. The coffee belt stretches about 30 kilometers from north to south, and it is distributed in an area of 750 meters above sea level. The island's fertile volcanic soil, humid climate and abundant precipitation, especially the unique microclimate of the region-clouds swim around 2: 00 p. M. on most sunny days, providing the necessary shade for coffee growth. make coffee beans fuller and more rich in flavor, which provide unique conditions for the growth of coffee, coupled with the careful management of local coffee farmers Make Kona coffee a rare boutique-the demand for coffee has increased in recent years, and Kona's existing land and planting scale are limited, so it has become a rare boutique.

Friends who have drunk Kona Coffee may feel the same way: Kona Coffee does not bring us a very strong and personalized taste, it is more often presented in the cup in a gentle and bright manner, extremely soft, as soft as the Pacific summer sea breeze, the entrance is first of all a slight acidity, more is a kind of balanced sweet and sour in the mouth of the perfect harmony, after drinking will have the sweet and sweet of syrup reverberate vaguely. Such coffee, like a meteor flash, but also like a meteor can be encountered but can not be asked for.

Coffee was first brought to Honolulu by the Spanish translator of Emperor Kamehameha in 1913, and was brought to Oahu by British warships in 1825. Around 1828, Samuel, an American missionary, brought the branches of the coffee tree to the Kona region. Coffee was first grown by locals and Chinese, and later Japanese and Filipino immigrants also began to grow it, after a century of ups and downs in the coffee market. Now most of the Kona coffee belongs to the Camerhameha Bishop School Manor, which is produced by more than 600 coffee farmers, all of which are carefully managed, hand-picked and scientifically processed.

(coffee Festival "Miss Kona Coffee")

The world-famous Kona Coffee has also received more and more attention at home. Now Hawaii is judged by international coffee cups every year, and the 2009 Coffee Culture Festival has attracted coffee enthusiasts from all over the world-the meteor is beautiful and fleeting, but this meteor-like beautiful coffee island should shine forever in the starry sky of the coffee belt.