Coffee review

Dutch iced coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This is a special kind of coffee. Dutch iced coffee, coffee extracted with ice water (also known as ice droplets). Due to ice water extraction, its biggest feature is that the content of caffeine is very low, friends who have lingering fears of caffeine can try this decaf coffee at home. At the same time, because of the unique production process, it has a unique aroma of red wine, and the taste of coffee is more mellow and full-bodied.

This is a special kind of coffee.

Dutch iced coffee, coffee extracted with ice water (also known as ice droplets). Due to ice water extraction, its biggest feature is that the content of caffeine is very low, friends who have lingering fears of caffeine can try this decaf coffee at home. At the same time, because of the unique production process, it also has a unique aroma of red wine, and the taste of coffee is more mellow and full-bodied, the taste is pure and refreshing, and even the color is brighter and purer than ordinary iced coffee, which can be said to be everyone's favorite coffee in summer. Coffee lovers certainly can't miss it.


The reason why it is called Dutch iced coffee is that the instrument made is said to be invented by a Dutchman, called the Dutch iced coffee machine. Don't get me wrong, it's not a real coffee machine made of copper and iron, but a personalized coffee drip filter. Its structure is very simple, divided into three parts, the upper glass pot is a container for ice water, and the middle one is a smaller one with coffee powder (note that there is also a cotton filter similar to the siphon pot. When making coffee, put it at the bottom of the powder) the bottom glass pot is the container for coffee. You may have noticed that there is a control spindle under the top glass pot, yes-- this is the device that adjusts the speed of ice water dripping.


(simple construction)

With such a simple structure, the steps of making coffee are even simpler.

One: prepare the equipment. Make sure the spindle is closed to prevent the water from flowing out too quickly after adding ice water to affect the coffee making. Prepare a piece of filter paper.


(special filter paper)

Second: grinding powder. Deep-baked coffee powder is needed to make Dutch iced coffee. The grinding degree is as good as that of espresso. Generally speaking, the ratio of coffee powder to ice water is 1:5 (or 1:6).

Three: loading powder and filling pressure. Place the cotton strainer above the lower exit of the container and pour in the coffee powder. Shake a few times to spread the powder evenly, then fill it with a powder hammer. Note that the filling pressure here is different from making espresso, which does not require a lot of effort to make the flour smooth. Just put the filter paper on the coffee powder. Then put the glass pot on top of the lower glass pot and put it under the bracket together.


(pressing powder)


Four: add ice water. Make sure the spindle is closed before adding ice water. Add ice water to the kettle.


Fifth: adjust the dripping rate. Gently rotate the axis to observe the rate of ice water dripping, generally controlled at 8 drops / 10 seconds or 1 drop / 1 second. Adjust the angle so that the water drips in the center of the coffee powder.


Dutch iced coffee is extracted by drip filtration, so the production process is relatively long. Generally, 100g powder takes 8Mel 9 hours to complete, 30g powder takes about 2 hours, and the production process does not need you to worry about. Leave it to the designed machine. Just wait for the delicious coffee.


Drinking advice:

The Dutch iced coffee made in this way has a strong flavor and is not very suitable for direct drinking. It is better to add ice water and ice cubes to mix the taste. General 30cc coffee solution can be mixed with 200ml cold water. Dutch iced coffee has the red wine aroma and more refreshing and pure taste that ordinary iced coffee does not have, so it is the first choice of iced coffee in hot summer. The prepared coffee solution should be refrigerated and preserved. Generally speaking, the flavor of the coffee will fade with the storage time, so it is best to use it up within a week.
