Coffee review

Coffee shop decoration key points small coffee shop decoration, coffee shop decoration planning experience sharing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) open coffee shop (coffee shop) practical experience of coffee shop decoration planning (1) opening coffee shop (coffee shop) has always been one of the favorites of young entrepreneurs, the price of a cup of coffee can be sold from 35 yuan to 1000 yuan, different modes of operation

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Open coffee shop (coffee shop) practical experience of coffee shop decoration planning (1)

Opening a coffee shop (coffee shop, coffee shop) has always been one of the favorites of young entrepreneurs. The price of a cup of coffee can be sold from 35 yuan to 1000 yuan. The mode of operation is different, and the competition between veterans and recruits is very fierce.

One garden coffee shop operator found that most of the consumers in his shop were married women. in order to expand their turnover and extend the space used in the store, they decided to refit the basement, which was originally used as storage goods. after the modification, a planned children's reading room and a children's safe play area are set up in the basement. After observing the opening of the basement for customers, the store found that many young mothers brought their children to dinner and games, and young mothers often booked seats in advance on holidays, successfully increasing business income!

It is suggested that coffee shop (coffee shop coffee shop) entrepreneurs and shop operators should follow the practice of the above-mentioned coffee industry, always pay attention to observe the changes and possible needs of consumer groups, and try their best to meet their needs in order to increase the number of consumer groups coming to the store to spend. In addition, shopkeepers should also think about whether the software and hardware in the store can be improved, how to provide the most comfortable and convenient consumption environment, and how to satisfy the good habits of the main consumer groups.

Open coffee shop (coffee shop) practical experience of coffee shop decoration planning (2)

There is a coffee shop located in the financial business circle, which fully integrates the feeling needed by modern business people into the design of the cafe, paying attention to the practicality and comfort of its customers instead of the number of seats, especially using a larger table than the ordinary coffee table, which strengthens the function of the table. the chair also uses a larger chair with a more spacious and comfortable chair, in addition to normal catering activities, to provide business needs. Let consumers negotiate, hold meetings, display, read and play computers. The ground design changes the outdoor floor tile to indoor, with yellowish sunlight light to soften the feeling of the whole store, so that consumers have a more comfortable feeling of step-down.

Now the store management should not only be able to attract people, but also the overall store environment decoration is an important key to attract customers. In the storefront design planning, the attribute of the consumer group should be included in the main design consideration, rather than the love of the shopkeeper as the main consideration, in order to make the customers feel more comfortable, intimate and exquisite consumption environment.