Coffee review

The flavor characteristics of Antigua flower god in Raminita, Guatemala? What are the planting advantages?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The flavor characteristics of Antigua flower god in Raminita, Guatemala? What are the advantages of planting? Nut, bitter sweet chocolate, citrus light acid producing country / Guatemala Guatemala region / Antigua, Sacatepquez Antigua Zacatpex province manor / La Minita Las Pastores Raminita variety / Caturra, Catuai Bourbon Kaddura

The flavor characteristics of Antigua flower god in Raminita, Guatemala? What are the advantages of planting?

Nuts, sweet chocolate, light sour citrus

Country of production / Guatemala Guatemala

Producing area / Antigua, Sacatep é quez Antigua Zacat Pecks province

Manor / La Minita Las Pastores Raminita

Variety / Caturra, Catuai & Bourbon Kaddura, Kaduai, bourbon

Treatment / washing

Planting altitude / 1200-1600 m

From planting conditions to treatment and warehousing, Raminita strictly controls all procedures, and its Las Pastores processing plant is known for its high quality, faithfully presenting the gentle and pleasant local characteristics of Antigua.

Antigua is located in the plateau of central Guatemala. The volcanic soil and high altitude of the producing area give the coffee a delicate layer.

La Minita Manor does not use pesticides, and because of the geographical advantages of the climate and altitude, the location conditions limit the number of pests, a small number of pests will not have much impact on coffee trees.

At the end of the rainy season, the coffee fruit will soon ripen, and the green fruit will begin to turn red, but the coffee fruit ripens very slowly and unevenly, not as quickly and consistently as flowering, so the harvest must be handled more carefully. harvest only crimson fruits that are fully ripe.

The fruit of a tree will be harvested up to five times due to maturity. The manor conducts soil tests twice a year to determine how to fertilize, and La Minita manor is very careful when using products that increase yield, about three times a year.

In addition, the application of trace elements such as zinc, boron and copper can provide more nutrients for coffee trees and prevent diseases. Such scientific cultivation and management has created the excellent performance of Huashen coffee flavor and the reputation of the same quality for several years.